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Wow, A Disneyland Dispute? Say It Ain't So!

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    Originally posted by DisneyGirl View Post
    I don't go through the school district. I buy curriculum and use various free things on the web. Are you going through the school?
    Care to share some good free web sites ?
    Guess you can pm me on that .. as I'm not sure if you can post web sites here ??
    Filed on 7-17-09
    waiting for 341
    341 meeting 8-21-09
    discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009


      Originally posted by RainMoM View Post
      Care to share some good free web sites ?
      Guess you can pm me on that .. as I'm not sure if you can post web sites here ??
      PM sent.
      Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirates life for me
      Discharged 9/1/04


        Originally posted by DisneyGirl View Post
        PM sent.
        TY Did you get my reply back to you ?
        Filed on 7-17-09
        waiting for 341
        341 meeting 8-21-09
        discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009


          OK, well we got the refund from Disney yesterday so it did not take them long to refund it when I called them. Maybe they don't want to talk to me anymore?
          Anyway, Las Vegas is booked and pretty well planned out.
          We got a room and show (Phantom) at the Venetian. So the day we arrive we see the fountains and such I guess or whatever we want to do.
          The following night we see the Phantom, the night after we see Terry Fator and the last night there we see the show at the Excalibur.
          Cost? Oh that was $127 cheaper than the same 4 days and 3 days in the park (or 2 if you like what they offered).
          I think we may just have a better time and maybe even less crowds the way I hear.


            Glad it all worked out in the end for you guys! Have a wonderful time in Vegas!!!
            Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirates life for me
            Discharged 9/1/04


              Good to hear that you got your money back so quickly.. that was a fast 7 days.. Guess they didn't want to mess with you, big bully ..LOL Hope you and your wife have a great time ~~ ah forgot to ask, does your wife gamble ?
              Filed on 7-17-09
              waiting for 341
              341 meeting 8-21-09
              discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009


                Originally posted by kenshirley View Post
                The following night we see the Phantom, the night after we see Terry Fator and the last night there we see the show at the Excalibur.
                I think you arranged a GREAT TRIP, so happy 40th!!! I have wanted to see Terry Fator as I'm a big Jeff Dunham fan. it seems everytime I'm in Vegas, all shows are dark (I tend to go the week starting with Christmas just before New Year's Eve).... or the particular show isn't running that weekend for some strange reason.

                Wow... nice job Ken! Just want to remind you, Vegas isn't like those fishing trips you take every morning. Alas, I know you'll have a great time because you picked some great shows. I think you'll be MORE entertained that you would at Disneyland anyhow.
                Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
                Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
                Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

                Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


                  Well of course she gambles~~~~she married me didn't she!
                  No, we used to but it can get expensive so we don't anymore.
                  We used to play a lot of blackjack when we made big $ and were only some 200 miles from Tahoe and Reno where I was born. We quit going up there in the early 80s when Tahoe got too popular and crowed for us.
                  And I quit fishing other than if I want a nice morning at the lake. They just are not biting. So I asked a guy that worked at the hatchery and he used to live right here and next to the lake.
                  He said when it gets warm like it is now and from around the end of May until the cooler WX sets back in that the lake is really warm and the fish just don't bite as good.
                  So I am not going near as often but look out starting around November. Then through around May of next year the lake is pretty much mine as it can be cold there at 6000'.


                    Well i say.. At lest try your luck on the slots.. Hell just spend like $20.00 and when that's all gone .. walk away ~ You never know.. You just could be a lucky winner .. have a good time

                    I've been fishing before, I grew up on a lake in Northern Wisconsin, (not like the puddles here they call a lake) But I don't recall what you mean by: the lake is pretty much mine as it can be cold there at 6000' ??? Could you explain plz
                    Filed on 7-17-09
                    waiting for 341
                    341 meeting 8-21-09
                    discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009




                        15- 25" is cold to me, no matter where you are ! Wow does it snow out there ? I've always wanted to live in AZ.. After hubby gets his 20 years in at his current job (cross your fingers) we are thinking of moving out that way.. He's got 6 years to go.. Or maybe even try to see if he can get in with his company out there in Tolleson! But it won't be for at lest another 4 years, gotta get past this Bk first! Sounds like a great place to fish, Peace and quiet ? what the hell is that ?
                        Filed on 7-17-09
                        waiting for 341
                        341 meeting 8-21-09
                        discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009




                            old fashioned .. thats what I want.. I hate the city life, i truly do. I always told my hubby " lets move to the country" small town living, cant beat it !! Also that's a good way to raise the kids.. Phoenix is to much of the city life for me, we would have to look around and see if there were any small towns around in the area.. I'm thinking next year sometime, will have to take a trip out and see the area.. when we do I'll be sure to let you know ! Wish disney girl was out in your area too, would love for her to meet my girls

                            pm sent...
                            Filed on 7-17-09
                            waiting for 341
                            341 meeting 8-21-09
                            discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009


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