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Wow, A Disneyland Dispute? Say It Ain't So!

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    Wow, A Disneyland Dispute? Say It Ain't So!

    OK, as many here know my wife talked me into going to Disneyland. OK fine. We went online and booked 4 nights at the hotel and 3 days in the park. They wanted a deposit up front and the balance 30 days before arrival. So today go in and pay the balance and got a confirmation showing that I have something called a 2 Day Park Hopper Ticket for the wife and I.
    Could this be wrong? Did I do something wrong? Nope. I cancelled the reservations on the spot, not 1 hour after I paid them because they told me that that I am entitled to only 2 days in the park. Now they want to keep $100 of my money because I canceled.
    I have now talked to them 3 times on the phone. They keep telling me that I could "upgrade" my package for an additional fee. I tried to make it clear to them we wanted 3 days in the park in the first place and that's what I paid for. I also made it clear I wanted all my money back.
    So after hanging up on the cheerleader type I was talking to I went to their website and it clearly shows on page two of their brochure that "a 3 Day Park Hopper ticket comes with all Disneyland Resort Park Travel Company
    package." Maybe they don't believe what they put in print but it will come back to bite them.
    Now I guess I am getting special treatment here as they have made it quite clear I only contracted for 2 days at the park and 4 at their hotel.
    Sure, then why did I challenge it right after getting the confirmation?
    They might keep my $100 for a few days, but I will dispute any and all charges on my debit card with them and that failing I will take a copy of that brochure and all the emails today to small claims court.
    Now I seriously doubt that Disney Corporate is going to send anyone here to my town over $100 but time will tell. I have not lost in small claims court in several outings in my life.
    It appears that the magic kingdom has changed since Uncle Walt died. Sad but true. But Corporate America strikes again!
    So maybe we just go to Las Vegas for our 40th anniversary celebration. What the heck, we married there 40 years ago while I was in the Army just before I deployed to Germany in 1969 so it may be the appropriate way to go.

    I'm sorry to hear that happened but glad you have a plan B. Vegas is Disney for adults anyway!

    It is sad that Walt wanted an affordable and fun places for families and it has turned into this. I get 4 free passes every year and still can't spend just one day there for my daughter and I for less than $100. It starts with the charge for parking in their garage...
    12/05/08 - filed pro se
    01/27/09 - case dismissed and closed - 02/24/09 - case reopened and dismissal vacated
    04/01/09 - new 341 scheduled
    6/02/09 - DISCHARGED!!!


      I doubt we will ever be able to afford to go to Disneyland.

      Good luck with your fight and congrats on the anniversary! There are probably lots more people being similarly screwed, it's good that someone is willing to fight it.
      Ch 7 Filed: 4/27/09
      341 Meeting: 6/11/09


        OK, well after pointing out to them that their online brochure showed that each Disney Company package comes with 3 days in the park privileges, (not the 2 they were giving me) they caved in.
        I just got an email that said I would get a full refund and my reservation had been canceled.
        It's sad that corporate structures have gone this far. As far as I am concerned this was nothing but an attempt to get more money out of us and it's just rotten!
        I have that page one of their brochure printed but what would you want to bet that they are changing it online as we speak???
        We have been to Disneyland for the last time. I won't go there again under any circumstances.
        My father told me in the 1950s that corporations would ruin America as we know it. I didn't know what he was talking about then but it does appear that he was right.


          Well I guess you won't be getting your mickey ears after all lol.. Looks like Mickey is really a rat !! If i didn't have a family member who works for disney, I would never go and pay those prices.. $15.00 just to park your car !! Las Vegas sound like alot of fun and who knows maybe you'll even hit the jackpot in a way you already did hit the jackpot, you been marrried for 40 years !! have fun on your vacation ~
          Filed on 7-17-09
          waiting for 341
          341 meeting 8-21-09
          discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009


            Las Vegas. That's all I need to say... baby!
            Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
            Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
            Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

            Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


              Well we were going to stay in one of their hotels so there was no parking fees for the open lot anyway. But we were paying for it in the overall price anyway.
              Oh well, we have been there 4 times over the years when we made good money and enjoyed it with the kids at the time.
              Just remember the old days and forget about the present I guess.
              Now we just have to wait until they refund the money.
              If they delay that too much I simply file a dispute on the debit card with the bank.
              With our bank they refund the money right away on a temporary basis and the other party has 30 days to respond. Then the bank makes a judgement and the refund becomes permanent.
              Nice to know they do debit cards that way anyway, at least at our bank. We don't gamble so that saves money but we do like shows. Vegas is only like 250 miles from us now and Bette Midler is playing around the time we would be going so maybe we'll see her.
              But you are right, no mouse ears. But I go back to when you had to earn them. Remember???
              Last edited by kenshirley; 08-03-2009, 03:30 PM.


                I'm really sorry that happened to you and I'm sorry it tarnished the "Disney" image for you as well.

                I have had seriously good luck with Disneyland staff (Cast Members) over the years. We're Annual Passholders and go all the time. But typically if you have a CM that doesn't have a clue, you can call back and get one that does. You shouldn't have to do that but often times you do. I'm guessing high turnover in reservations CMs? Anyway, I'm glad they are refunding your deposit. Sorry you won't be visiting The Happiest Place on Earth but Vegas is awesome and you'll have a blast!
                Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirates life for me
                Discharged 9/1/04


                  Well I went up two levels in customer service that I know of. Or at least I ask to talk to a supervisor hoping that someone had some common sense.
                  But no luck anyway. Typical of CS today in most cases. Like the man said~"you never know what you're going to get." Just because you asked for a manager does not mean you are going to get one. I have been passed around before to avoid a formal complaint.
                  To me, when I customer is staying in your hotel for 4 nights and says he booked 3 days in the park that would make sense.
                  But asking me if I wanted to upgrade and spend even more money is not the way to approach it.
                  Even if I had made a mistake, and their brochure on their own website refutes that even being possible as all vacation packages come with 3 days automatically, what would it have cost them to give me a day extra in the park?
                  Just stupid on their part. They lost the money and I can spend it elsewhere as I am sure their are lots of places that will be glad to have it in this economy.


                    I thought their current deal is actually a 5 day for the price of 3 park hopper. So they are REALLY off. Sorry again but glad it finally got resolved.
                    Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirates life for me
                    Discharged 9/1/04


                      Like I said, the minimum you get when you book with the company according to the brochure also said 3 days was part of the package.
                      Beats me. If they don't know what they are doing I certainly can't account for them.
                      But I am the type that will not be told one thing and then be sold a dead horse. I will come back to haunt you.


                        Kenshirley: Have a blessed and wonderful 40th. In this day and time that is record making. I was married 23 with my wonderful wife of my two daughters. Things did not go well after daughters left, and I am now 21 with my DW, Mrs. C.

                        We in FL love Disney World although we have not been there for some long time.

                        NOW DO NOT misunderstand me, the Disney company has become so "politically correct" that they offer a Gay day at Disney World. We have many Gay friends as we are members of a historical neighborhood and many Gay folks do wonders in restoration and are above average usually in pay scale. There IS NO bias here. However, it seemed to us that on that day, if someone came not knowing it, that the "activists" Gay people put a show on that was not in good taste for a family with small children. Some things done in Public, should be held off to private. That is all I'm going to say about that as there are bad apples in every cart.

                        I would give Disney another chance. Not now, but maybe later. 'Hub
                        If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


                          Nope. It would be different if one of the "supervisors" I talked to had some sense but they did not. I finally told them emphatically that they would cancel the reservation right now and refund all the monies paid right now.
                          Failing that I would file a dispute on my card with the bank and failing in that a case in small claims court for any and all funds retained.
                          I do know my way around these types of people. And having to argue my point with 4 different people in calls and emails is just beyond me.
                          I mean come on, I followed all the instructions and the wife watched and we discussed things as we went. When I made that final payment this AM and got the confirmation I wondered right away why it said "2 day Park Hopper" when I contracted for 3 days. So I sent the first of about 6 emails to them and some 3 phone calls I guess having to argue my point. Yep, they had my money.
                          What really ticked me off was one so called supervisor stated "Well sir have you ever received anything from us stating you had 3 days in the park?" What an insult, why in the he** do you think I am upset and calling right after getting my confirmation.
                          The are just lucky I don't live closer. I am pretty good sized and you don't want me in your face.
                          Once stung by an outfit I will never do business with an outfit like that. And I have a mental list. The good news is that some of these companies and their tactics are BK themselves now.
                          Trust is something I demand in a relationship with a business or a friend. If I can't have that, I severe the relationship for good.
                          Nobody gets a second shot at me.


                            I understand "KS". In fact, if this economy keeps going south, your business and loyalty as well as others they have screwed, would be missed. Karma, you know. 'Hub
                            If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


                              Yes frankly I was rather shocked that Disney company employees would treat someone like this. We are after all talking about the parent company not some reservations specialist making a commision after all.

                              But that's fine, what goes around comes around.


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