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Why are you celebrating?

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    Why are you celebrating?

    I see on this forum a lot of people put BK information in their signature and have little celebration icons next to the discharge. Why are you celebrating. I just dont get it. Cheating people and businesses out of money is pretty low. Being proud of it is even lower. Now I'm not talking about people the act of filing for bankruptcy. I mean there are unfortunate situations in life and thats life. However there are people in this world who bust their but everyday who barely make ends meat and struggle to get by, but some how they still manage to scrape by. I know the media has painted a picture of the big bad creditor nowadays but when you file for bankruptcy you arent screwing the creditor. The creditor simply ups interest rates to hedge against the risk of people filing for bankruptcy. So when Joe Blow has to pay 21% interest on his credit card its not that he is a credit risk, its because the card company needs to hedge against other people being a risk. Meanwhile Joe Blow is an honest hard working American who goes through the daily grind every day to pay his bills.

    All I'm saying is can we please ditch the and the next to bankruptcy information? It is very disrespectful to people who do what they have to just to get by.

    As far as this forum goes you will find that I am EXTREMELY knowledgeable in this field and want to help. I have never filed for bankruptcy and pray that I never have to. With that said I want to help people.

    We are celebrating the fact that we are no longer a slave to debt. We are celebrating the fact that we won't have to decide whether to pay a credit card payment or buy groceries. We are celebrating the peace that has replaced the constant ringing of the telephone. We are celebrating our lack of fear that we will be served with a summons or have our wages garnished any day. We are celebrating that maybe now, we have a hope of retiring someday instead of working 40 hours a week or more for the rest of our lives to pay credit card debt. We are celebrating the fact that we may actually be able to help pay for our children's or grandchildren's education. Some of us our celebrating an end of 3 to 5 years of living under the control of the bankruptcy court.

    What should we do, cry? We've cried enough. We're taking control of our once out of control financial lives. I don't see how celebrating our fresh starts is disrespectful to anyone.
    LadyInTheRed is in the black!
    Filed Chap 13 April 2010. Discharged May 2015.
    $143,000 in debt discharged for $36,500, including attorneys fees. Money well spent!


      Cheating people and businesses out of money is pretty low. Being proud of it is even lower.
      If this is how you view ppl who file bk, then this is clearly not the place for you. Thank you for your time and you willingness to help. I also pray that you are never in a position where you have to file bankruptcy. For those of us that ARE, show a little compassion. We have reason to celebrate a new start to our lives.

      Now, excuse me, I'm happily married and I'm off to a divorce forum to tell all those celebrating newly divorced people what big fat FAILURES they are at marriage, how they just should have worked harder--like me. Meanwhile, I'll tell them how knowledgeable I am, and how I pray that I never end up divorced, but I'd just love to help them... *sarcasm*
      Filed Chapter 13 on 2-28-10. 341 completed 4/14/10. Confirmed 5/14/10. Lien strip granted 2/2/11
      0% payback to unsecured creditors, 56 payments down, 4 to go....


        There are many in this forum that with this economy have lost all income, their houses, under tons of medical debt that insurance did not cover, etc. and they are happy just to have the option to file to get rid of their debts that, no matter what they do over the next several years, cannot repay unless they hit LOTTO. And yes there are those that are or have been in this forum that try to beat the system - that is in every scenario in life. The majority of BK filers after going through a bankruptcy learn via the process and would never allow themselves to get in that position again. And, again, as in any life scenario, there are those that will end up filing again. This forum helps in support to get folks through bad times, learn along the way, get helpful advice, etc. We filed due to a 70% loss of income in 2002...thankfully that was there for us because if we could not file, we would have lost our home and possibly become a burden to the taxpayer also via public housing and assistance.

        I myself have stated over the years in this forum that all our dumped debt via bankruptcy has to be paid for in some way...either interest rates go up, prices go up or taxes go up and fees even to get into state parks go up as an example. We, in the end, pay for own own and others' bankruptcies. Most people are already aware of this.

        Bashing is not allowed in this forum. From your postings it appears you are against bankruptcy which is fine as that may be your opinion and not everyone agrees on everything but please review the forum rules before you continue to post so you don't find yourself getting in trouble or getting reported. Views and help are always welcome but the moderators and experienced posters can spot a troll a mile away after several postings.
        Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
        Early Buy-Out: April 2006
        Discharge: August 2006

        "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


          Apparently you dont get my post. No one. I repeat NO ONE is around bankruptcy filings more than me. I've seen the people who have hit rock bottom as well as the people who have cheat the system. Please understand I am NOT mocking people who file for bankruptcy nor the reason they filed. Nor am I against bankruptcy as a whole or am bashing people who file. All I AM saying is that it is not something to celebrate. Where do you think this debt goes? It doesnt just go away. The long and short of it is that other people are paying for it. Life is a struggle and sometimes it just kicks bad luck our way. I get it and I've been there. However, there are people who refuse to give in and continue to pay their bills. Yes it is disrespectful to them. Please dont kid yourselves on this. When a person applies for a loan and the bank gives them an interest rate. That rate is not all profit to the bank. Figured into that rate is all the bad debt issued to other borrowers including those who filed for bankruptcy. On top of that when the income is not there for the bank what do you think they do? Lay more people off. Its not a win win situation for all.

          I have very good information to provide. All I am saying is that bankruptcy is not something to be proud of. It is a system put in place as a last resort. Not a reason to party. Accept the discharge and restart your lives. Its not a reason to celebrate. Your work to rebuild your life has merely begun.


            Originally posted by Brazzy View Post
            I see on this forum a lot of people put BK information in their signature and have little celebration icons next to the discharge. Why are you celebrating. I just dont get it.
            They're celebrating because they've gotten off of the debt treadmill that loansharks like you have put them on. They can feed their kids meat again 2 or 3 times a week; they can actually buy them new clothes for once; maybe take them to a movie.

            Cheating people and businesses out of money is pretty low. Being proud of it is even lower.
            You're right, it is. Who here do you suggest is doing that? But what's even worse is things like making poor, unducated single mothers believe that you have the power to put them in jail if they can't pay their debts. You loan them more money than they could possibly repay even at a reasonable interest rate, but you sign them up at 1000% a year. You can do that because they're desperate.

            Now I'm not talking about people the act of filing for bankruptcy. I mean there are unfortunate situations in life and thats life. However there are people in this world who bust their but everyday who barely make ends meat and struggle to get by, but some how they still manage to scrape by. I know the media has painted a picture of the big bad creditor nowadays but when you file for bankruptcy you arent screwing the creditor. The creditor simply ups interest rates to hedge against the risk of people filing for bankruptcy. So when Joe Blow has to pay 21% interest on his credit card its not that he is a credit risk, its because the card company needs to hedge against other people being a risk. Meanwhile Joe Blow is an honest hard working American who goes through the daily grind every day to pay his bills.
            Joe Blow has the option of not going into debt on a credit card. Slugs like you have the option of not loaning money to people who have no hope of repaying.

            All I'm saying is can we please ditch the and the next to bankruptcy information? It is very disrespectful to people who do what they have to just to get by.
            All your are saying is that people should feel REALLY guilty for casting off the debt slavery yoke that you would put them under.

            As far as this forum goes you will find that I am EXTREMELY knowledgeable in this field and want to help. .
            Your help will be welcome and I'm sure you'll be very popular.
            Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


              Give me a break.

              Bankruptcy is a financial tool like any other; it has a specific set of circumstances that it helps. Just like life insurance is a financial tool.

              Jerk offs like you are the ones that perpetuate a false stigma and mis information. (other people DO NOT PAY for BK, only those that decide to use credit at inflated interest rates absorb the cost of BK; if you don't use debt, you are not paying for anyone else BK).


                Originally posted by Brazzy View Post
                I have very good information to provide.
                No you don't. You have only judgment to pass. Something no one here is looking for.
                Attorney Retained/Paid: 1-4-10
                Online CCC-Completed & Cert Received: 1-8-10
                Filed Chapter 7 1-18-10.
                341 3-10-10 ~~~ Last Day to Object: 5-10-10


                  I love this thread.

                  I just wanted my ever optimistic face on it before it gets closed and the troll is banned.

                  Walk a mile in my shoes and you shall commit suicide. I know who is the stronger person.

                  and that one smiley that does all the jumping and dancing but I can never figure out how to add to my posts.

                  11-20-09-- Filed Chapter 7
                  12-23-09-- 341 Meeting-Early Christmas Gift?


                    So every creditor is a loan shark? Thats awesome. First off you have no idea who I am, who I work for, my financial situation, or anything else about me. Lets please get passed the creditor is the bad guy nonsense. If a friend owed you money you'd ask for it back too. Every successful entrepreneur in the capitalist society utilized credit at one time or another. There is nothing about using credit that is an issue.

                    Now Im not going to back lenders who gave loans based on smiles and charm. The NINA loans that were written are BS. We as a society should have never gotten that far. But that is not even the issue here. I dont care why people file bankruptcy. All I'm saying is that its no reason to celebrate. Thats all.


                      Originally posted by Brazzy View Post
                      First off you have no idea who I am, who I work for, my financial situation, or anything else about me.
                      Nor do we care.
                      Attorney Retained/Paid: 1-4-10
                      Online CCC-Completed & Cert Received: 1-8-10
                      Filed Chapter 7 1-18-10.
                      341 3-10-10 ~~~ Last Day to Object: 5-10-10


                        To the OP,

                        Let me put it this way regarding "celebrating". It is a different way to celebrate.... a fresh start after being a slave to one's debt. In my case mountains of debt and after going through two divorces and signing up through a DSC which I so blindly took, I finally resorted to BK as the last thing after I received a complaint from one of my creditors (that was enrolled in the DSC). I wished I knew about this forum before I signed up with a DSC. Since you mentioned those "expressions" of or should be removed, I am still standing by my signature because BK truly gave me a fresh start and I have never felt this much better in YEARS. I am able to manage my finances while raising my daughters on my own. Good luck and as some others mentioned earlier, I hope you never have to file for BK.
                        Chapter 13 filer since Feb. 2018 under a 60 months payment plan
                        Please think positive and do not give up!


                          I think perhaps if Brazzy did tell us what he knows that can help maybe he'd stand a chance here at this forum. What say you Brazzy?
                          Filed Chapter 7 April 29th, 2010
                          341 June 1st, 2010
                          Report of No Distribution June 2nd, 2010
                          Discharged and Closed 8/10/2010


                            Originally posted by DeadManCrawling View Post
                            I love this thread.

                            I just wanted my ever optimistic face on it before it gets closed and the troll is banned.

                            Walk a mile in my shoes and you shall commit suicide. I know who is the stronger person.

                            and that one smiley that does all the jumping and dancing but I can never figure out how to add to my posts.

                            you mean him DMC ?? he's in a little box to the right when you reply

                            here's another couple just for Brazzy


                              Time out here people. Where did I pass judgment on anyone here? I never mocked or commented on anyone's difficult situation. All I said is that I dont think it is fair to celebrate. I dont know anyone here nor do I know their situation. Therefor I'm not going to even comment on that or put anyone down. All I am saying is that I personally feel that celebrating is a bit excessive.


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