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No announcement yet. help... they called my work 3 times today...

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new posts help... they called my work 3 times today...

    I didnt' pay the minimum of my BOA($200) 5 days ago; chase($50) 6 days ago; city($75) 20 days ago, US BANK($400) 15 days ago.

    Nobody calls at work; but today I stoped by to do some shoping; my coworkers start to ask me what's going on; they thought something happened to me because in almost 4 years nobody ever called me at work.

    PS. I don't think that my cc companies, have my new phone number; do you think they called my job because they couldn't reach me at the old phone number?

    Should log in to update my phone number; or should I call them.

    I know they have my adress, because I started recieving offer of help from them.

    It was the first time ever that miss a payment...

    What should I do?

    What is going to their step from here?

    They will keep calling your work if they don't have a current phone number for you. You may want to get a separate phone number than your new home number so you aren't bombarded at home (internet voicemail or disposable cell). Or just turn down your answering machine and don't answer the phone. I'd call them with their new number and update it on the website. An update in one department may not immediately reach another department.

    To get more information on dealing with calls from collectors, read the stickies and posts in the collections forum.
    LadyInTheRed is in the black!
    Filed Chap 13 April 2010. Discharged May 2015.
    $143,000 in debt discharged for $36,500, including attorneys fees. Money well spent!


      what is the faster update? calling or in the web site?

      should I tell them anything or just ignore their calls? I have a cell phone(my only one) that I keep always on silence.

      But I thougnt the they would start to call after at least 3 mounths...

      Do you when I update my phone number they wont call my work anymore?


        Update online, the updates are immediate. They start calling within days of missing payments because they are having record numbers of people not paying. I missed a payment and two days later they were on the horn.

        They can call you at work if that is the number you gave them. Buy a prepaid cell phone or open an internet voicemail account and turn the ringer off. Talking to them will get you nowhere.
        First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


          Originally posted by flyinbroke View Post
          Update online, the updates are immediate. They start calling within days of missing payments because they are having record numbers of people not paying. I missed a payment and two days later they were on the horn.

          They can call you at work if that is the number you gave them. Buy a prepaid cell phone or open an internet voicemail account and turn the ringer off. Talking to them will get you nowhere.

          Before I filed and was still getting the calls, Chase and Discover were calling my cell phone (I never listed it as a number to call). I went on Chase and they had my cell phone listed as my home number (even though I gave them my actual phone number) and a work phone number (which I never gave them nor did I call them from work, ever) where it was almost correct. I tried changing it. It would say it was updated. But the next time I went on the website, it still had the cell and work number. They weren't going to change it.

          A prepaid cell phone will work if you talk to them on it for a couple of times. But once you start ignoring them, they will probably go back to calling all of the numbers they have in your file, including your work.


            Originally posted by flyinbroke View Post
            Update online, the updates are immediate. They start calling within days of missing payments because they are having record numbers of people not paying. I missed a payment and two days later they were on the horn.

            They can call you at work if that is the number you gave them. Buy a prepaid cell phone or open an internet voicemail account and turn the ringer off. Talking to them will get you nowhere.
            what is internet voicemail account? I do have comcast high speed internet and cable; I don't have a home phone; only my cell..


              Originally posted by helpmeout View Post
              But once you start ignoring them, they will probably go back to calling all of the numbers they have in your file, including your work.
              Out of all the lesson I have learned this ranks near the top. I will never put down so much information on any type of application ever again. What can be used against you is going to be used against you. Giving out information is like giving them the gun to shoot you with.
              So the poor debtor, seeing naught around him
              Yet feels the narrow limits that impound him
              Grieves at his debt and studies to evade it
              And finds at last he might as well have paid it.


                If creditors are calling you at work, write them a letter stating you are not allowed to take personal calls at work. Send it registered return receipt. After they receive it they aren't allowed to call your work again. Save the signed receipt.

                Handling persistent and often nasty creditors is stressful but it's worse to file bankruptcy before you have to just to stop the phone from ringing. Don't let them intimidate you. That's their game and they are masters at it. However, you actually have the upper hand over how much you allow them to get to you.

                Educate yourself. There's tons of great ideas here in the forums how to effectively handle aggressive creditors and tons of great information online as well. Be proactive and don't let them get to you. Only you can do it for yourself.
                I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

                06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
                06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
                07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
                10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
                01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
                09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
                06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
                08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

                10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
                Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


                  Originally posted by lrprn View Post
                  If creditors are calling you at work, write them a letter stating you are not allowed to take personal calls at work. Send it registered return receipt. After they receive it they aren't allowed to call your work again. Save the signed receipt.

                  Handling persistent and often nasty creditors is stressful but it's worse to file bankruptcy before you have to just to stop the phone from ringing. Don't let them intimidate you. That's their game and they are masters at it. However, you actually have the upper hand over how much you allow them to get to you.

                  Educate yourself. There's tons of great ideas here in the forums how to effectively handle aggressive creditors and tons of great information online as well. Be proactive and don't let them get to you. Only you can do it for yourself.
                  It was my first time miss a payment; so I believe still the original creditor; so from here what should I expect?


                    Some are ruthless. Say they'll call your parents, family (one typicall lists that on an app for credit) or they can contact neighbors (just looking for you). I found it best to take their calls, inform them of my attorney's phone number even though I was nowhere near filing, and then hang up on them so I didn't have to listen to them anymore (for that call). Each creditor (I think I had about 10 of them) called 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 times a day.


                      Originally posted by Dst1 View Post
                      Out of all the lesson I have learned this ranks near the top. I will never put down so much information on any type of application ever again. What can be used against you is going to be used against you. Giving out information is like giving them the gun to shoot you with.

                      The thing is, I didn't put that information on my application. I wasn't even working at my current job when I got the cards. And only listed my home number. I don't give out my cell to anyone.


                        I think they use online services such as and buy the information. I know they started to call my cell phone after I changed the # (due to a bunch of wrong number calls) and they never were given the new #. I personally went to intellius and bought my info for like $20.00 and they even had my satellite phone # on there and I do not use that phone. They had every phone number I ever had. Of course they all deny buying the info.

                        And if you want intellius to remove your info they want a copy of your SS card, driver's license and a bunch of other stuff which I will not send them. They did not need this to put my info in their site, so why would they need it to take it off. I REFUSE to send them copies of that info. Also, on real property they claim that the County Recorders send them this info and if you want that removed you have to tell the Clerk, BUT my county clerk and recorder says they do not report that therefore, nothing is sacred anymore and anyone can find out anything they want about you.Scary isn't it?


                          OK here is one secret: do not EVER use any other phone to call them but the prepaid. They DO document the numbers you call from. You cannot block caller ID on an 800 number, which is what a majority of them use. I am sure they are well aware of people giving them numbers that are never answered, or giving numbers that don't exist, or other numbers. If you get a prepaid, you ONLY use that phone to call them. These folks document everything. Except, apparently, any special deals you get from them (which is why you always get it in writing before sending money.)

                          I changed to a prepaid, answered once or twice with each creditor, called a couple back with that phone and have never had them call my home or office or private cell.

                          As a thought...I have gone to the unpaid Intelius part, and plugged in my name. Got 164 responses. Apparently I am more common than I thought. The one with info most closely resembling mine has relatives listed that I have no idea about.
                          First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


                            It was my first month without paying 4 of my 8 cards; what do you think could happened until july(I am planning filling in july)?
                            Are they going to call only my cell phone? If I ignore the calls are they going to call my work?

                            how many months will take for the original creditor send to colletion agencies?

                            so from today what should I expect ?


                              Depends on the creditor. Expect your phone to show a ton of calls every day; I had 50+ calls in one day (my all time record, and I am only behind on five accounts.) I have the ringer off. One has already had a collection agency at around the 90 day mark, but it would appear to be a letter writer CA...the payment is to be sent to the OC. I got almost no paper mail....they can't intimidate you into paying that way.

                              If you have not changed to a number they know is yours they will call all the ones they have on file for you until they have success. If they don't have your cell phone but you return a call on it, they now have it. What can ultimately happen depends on what state you live in, but they probably won't use legal recourse in the first six months.

                              Your mileage may vary.
                              First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


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