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Did the Economic Stimulus Act of 2009 help you?

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    Did the Economic Stimulus Act of 2009 help you?


    Now that I am 90+ days past due on several credit card accounts, I keep getting letters from debt helper type companies, claiming that the Economic Stimulus Act of 2009 on February 1st a Consumer Debt Initiative was created to assist consumers to become debt free in as little as 12 -36 months. Is this really true?

    So I was just curios to know if anyone has ever received any help from these type companies or are these just some fly-by-night debt negotiator companies that try to get your debt reduced by 50 - 60% (as what the letters I keep getting claim they will).

    Since I have a house I want to try to save, I think I will have to file a Chapter 13 and work out a payback plan with my creditors sooner or later, yet a lawyer I spoke to about this said that I should be able to negotiate a deal with my creditors where I might be able to pay just 50 - 60 % of what I owe. Yet from reading this forum, it sounds like I would be better off dealing with my creditors in court to workout a debt reduction payback plan rather than deal with any outside company. Your thoughts or comments?

    Last edited by Quagmire; 08-25-2010, 07:25 PM.

    What state do you live in? Homestead exemption?

    You don't need a debt negotiator to settle with creditors.

    You seem to be asking similar questions over and over until one gives you the answer you want to hear.

    Originally posted by Quagmire View Post

    Now that I am 90+ days past due on several credit card accounts, I keep getting letters from debt helper type companies, claiming that the Economic Stimulus Act of 2009 on February 1st a Consumer Debt Initiative was created to assist consumers to become debt free in as little as 12 -36 months. Is this really true?

    So I was just curios to know if anyone has ever received any help from these type companies or are these just some fly-by-night debt negotiator companies that try to get your debt reduced by 50 - 60% (as what the letters I keep getting claim they will).

    Since I have a house I want to try to save, I think I will have to file a Chapter 13 and work out a payback plan with my creditors sooner or later, yet a lawyer I spoke to about this said that I should be able to negotiate a deal with my creditors where I might be able to pay just 50 - 60 % of what I owe. Yet from reading this forum, it sounds like I would be better off dealing with my creditors in court to workout a debt reduction payback plan rather than deal with any outside company. Your thoughts or comments?



      The letters, the television commercials, the radio ads..... all touting the 2009 stimulus and what it's going to do for your debt.

      Especially your credit card debt.

      Complete and total b.s.
      All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
      Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


        Thanks Jacko, and Frogger. I appreciate your comments.

        I may be somewhat asking the same questions over again, but this is only in regards to this new type of mail that I have been receiving in the past several weeks. I did not think much of it, yet I thought I would inquire to see what type of feedback I would get from this forum. I looked into getting my house homesteaded, however a lawyer I talked with in June said because I am 47, he did not think I would be able to get the maximum amount due to my age, and he thought that if I was over 50 or 55, I would be eligible for more at that age, but he was not 100% sure. I live in California (in the Los Angeles area).



          Did the Economic Stimulus Act of 2009 help you?

          absolutely NO

          lawyer I talked with in June said because I am 47, he did not think I would be able to get the maximum amount due to my age, and he thought that if I was over 50 or 55, I would be eligible for more at that age, but he was not 100% sure
          well i am...and NOT!! the only one this Stimulus Act of 2009 helped was the banks and the big businesses...that's it
          8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


            Originally posted by frogger View Post
            The letters, the television commercials, the radio ads..... all touting the 2009 stimulus and what it's going to do for your debt.

            Especially your credit card debt.

            Complete and total b.s.
            Absolutely agree.....Stimulus was all show, no go.

            In my area the only tangible thing I can point to is they installed some metal park benches around a crappy little pond. The benches are where unemployed people can now go and sit...


              [QUOTE=ryan;444290]Absolutely agree.....Stimulus was all show, no go.

              In my area the only tangible thing I can point to is they installed some metal park benches around a crappy little pond. The benches are where unemployed people can now go and sit...[/QUOTE]

              that is too funny!!
              8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


                Originally posted by Quagmire View Post

                I may be somewhat asking the same questions over again.
                Wash, rinse, repeat, just like my washing machine.


                  Originally posted by ryan View Post
                  Absolutely agree.....Stimulus was all show, no go.

                  In my area the only tangible thing I can point to is they installed some metal park benches around a crappy little pond. The benches are where unemployed people can now go and sit...[/QUOTE]

                  that is too funny!!
                  Around these parts now we're starting to see infrastructure projects, however most of us know that they being pushed through because of the November mid-terms
                  Stopped paying: 08/10, Filed CH7: 08/27/10 , 341 & No Asset Report: 10/6/10, Last day to object: 12/06/10, Discharged: 12/07/10, Closed: 12/08/10
                  AHEM.....NOT AN ATTORNEY, NOT ADVICE, ETC, ETC


                    Quagmire, it is all a scam. There is no stimulus act that helped Joe Mainstreet. Those commercials and junk mailings are right up there with the "Obama paying single moms who got knocked up by jailbirds money to go to school" things you see on Facebook.

                    They are just debt negotiators who are out to take more of your money. But then again, that is what the stimulus did to us: Cash for Clunkers (buy a car, get a tax break), the home tax benefit (buy a house, get more tax breaks) and that appliance one which once again, involved Joe Mainstreet spending his or her money to get some perceived break.

                    If they gave me one hundred thousandth of what they gave Skank of America, I would owe nothing today.
                    First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


                      Originally posted by flyinbroke View Post
                      If they gave me one hundred thousandth of what they gave Skank of America, I would owe nothing today.
                      Oh yeah, but Skank of America would be quick to tell you that they paid it all back (on the backs of their customers, employees or former employees).

                      I hate all the junk I'm getting in the mail these days. Seems like a violation of my privacy for them to even be sending it to me. Just killing trees.
                      Stopped paying 8/2010, Filed 2/2011, 341 3/2011 done, Report of no distribution . . . Discharged & Closed 5/2011!


                        Well, I have seen some signs that have touted that the stimulus bill helped paid for road projects in my area. I guess that reduced the number of potholes I encountered on my way to go job hunting.
                        Filed: 6/30/2010
                        341: 7/26/2010
                        Discharged: 10/6/2010


                          Originally posted by wonderingrov View Post
                          Well, I have seen some signs that have touted that the stimulus bill helped paid for road projects in my area. I guess that reduced the number of potholes I encountered on my way to go job hunting.
                          The stimulus bill paid for those signs. We had a local road project that was already being built, and within a few weeks of the stimulus passing, it had new signs bragging that the stimulus paid for it.

                          A total crock of b.s.

                          One big political payoff after another...
                          All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
                          Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


                            The Stimulus Act of 2009 didn't have any effect on me either way. I'm still broke. It just made the federal budget deficit bigger and the national debts growing bigger, and we and many of our next generations pay for it (if Uncle Sam is not bankrupt).
                            Filed chapter 7 Jul 13, 2010 341 hearing Aug 12, 2010 Trustee's report of no distribution Aug 20, 2010 Discharged Oct 13, 2010 Closed Oct 28, 2010.


                              Originally posted by wnguyen View Post
                              The Stimulus Act of 2009 didn't have any effect on me either way. I'm still broke. It just made the federal budget deficit bigger and the national debts growing bigger, and we and many of our next generations pay for it (if Uncle Sam is not bankrupt).
                              That's one question I've been wondering about of late - how much debt can the federal government really take on before it is buried under it's own weight.
                              Filed: 6/30/2010
                              341: 7/26/2010
                              Discharged: 10/6/2010


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