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Ford Motor Co letter

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    I'm still waiting on a letter from Ford for my case. I'm surprised that they didn't file a relief from stay so that they can come take it. I'm glad that they didn't, and it would be fantastic if we could keep it until discharge. I will know more after the 341, right?


      It took 22 days for our letter to come. It cost them money to file with court so they might just wait it out until discharge and since you are not current , just repo it. I read online in my research, they did not also send letters just repo.
      chpt 7 ,5-2009


        We have heard nothing from GMAC on our 2010 Truck. We are current so they may just let us to the drive thru with it hopefully.
        chpt 7 ,5-2009


          If we make it through the discharge date with the vehicle, I will call Ford the day of to schedule the repo, lol. I've accepted that we are giving it up, can't afford and upside down car that needs about 2k of work. But we need it as long as we can drive it to give us time to save for something else. I am still digging out of the financial hole from my pay being garnished; my last check was the first check in over a year that is at my "real" pay, and it will be two more checks (one month) before we are breaking even. The future is bright, just need to make it til then!!!


            I see, I think they will wait for discharge b4 doing anything. Are you following your case in Pacer? It should show it they try to get relief from stay. I feel lucky we were able to file b4 any garnishments.
            chpt 7 ,5-2009


              Even if you sign a reaffirmation with Ford, you have 60 days to think about it and can back out. They will send you a letter after the 341, I believe you have 45 days to sign it and get it filed with the court, that's the key, it has to be filed. I am still unsure but read that if your attorney rejects and it and the judge does as well, that you can still keep the car and pay through since you signed the reaffirmation. Whether this is a loophole or not to avoid the risks and it saves you from a repo, I am unsure?


                they came for my car about 6 days after discharge


                  malf 1204 was it a ford and were you current at fiing?
                  chpt 7 ,5-2009


                    Yeah you can get a car loan the day after your discharge OR even before. You don't need a judge to sign off after so thats the best way. Let them take their junk back. This time get a Toyota or a Honda and the payment will outpace the depreciation.


                      I get the PACER updates from my lawyer, and Ford hasn't filed for a relief of stay. I am hopeful to hold onto it until discharge! My only regret is not filing sooner, if I had only done the research a year ago, I'd be much better off. Like most people, I thought a BK was WORSE than all these late pays and charge offs, and that I'd be ruined forever. Ugh.


                        We put off filing too. Sorry now, all my creditors are falling off my credit report this year. but the darn bankrupty will be there awhile.
                        I bet you could research Pacer and find lots of your family and friends have filed before.

                        Hubby brother is one of those people who thinks anyone can pay their bills. He has never been divorced,or lost his job. , has nice home paid for and really set for retirement. He had mentioned his son and wife were trying to modify there over priced home but was having no luck. They have separated and live in house and an apt. And complaining because he is having to help out them with gas cc card, and now bought the Son another car. I am like, It is your choice, they will never grown up if you continue to bail them out. He kept quiet.
                        Well I found on Pacer they had filed chpt 13 , 2 yrs ago. So double standards out there. I felt like telling him. We never tell anyone about the bankruptcy no need to.
                        chpt 7 ,5-2009


                          Originally posted by BilboBaggins View Post
                          Yeah you can get a car loan the day after your discharge OR even before. You don't need a judge to sign off after so thats the best way. Let them take their junk back. This time get a Toyota or a Honda and the payment will outpace the depreciation.
                          Don't we all wish it was that easy, Toyota won't even work with you if you have bad credit. Honda is no better from my experience. Post bankruptcy, I don't picture low APR so soon.


                            So, today I got a credit alert on Credit Karma. Ford is now reporting my account as closed. Still no word from them. Kinda nervous that they may try to repo since they closed the account; I know it isn't legal, but who knows what they will do. I have an appointment with my lawyer Tuesday so I will ask. Funny, my credit score went up about 50 points since two weeks ago; I think with Ford reporting as closed, it makes my current debt look low, all I have are student loans and some very low limit cards (two 300 cards).


                              Hubby also shows closed by ford. His score also went up . keep us posted.
                              chpt 7 ,5-2009


                                Originally posted by Floridagail View Post
                                malf 1204 was it a ford and were you current at fiing?
                                yes and yes


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