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Can I say nothing with Honey Boo Boo? LOL! I love NCIS, Big Bang Theory, Top Chef, etc. One of our treats after our bankruptcy was discharged was to get satellite service after a long time without it. We went with a basic programming.
I LOVE this show!!! They are all too funny!! My favorite is Uncle Si!!
did you see the episode where willie couldn't make it to the grammar school for career day (chas challenged him to a game of golf) and uncle si and grandpa had to go to the 2nd and 3rd grades and uncle si told the poor little kids about the Vietnam war all the kids were crying....and grandpa took a live duck and showed the kids how to clean it by first breaking it's neck and then gutting it in front of those poor little 2nd graders with his bare hands!!!!!!!!!!!! i almost wet my pants ROFL!!!!!!!!
it's one of the only shows i find myself laughing out loud alone in a room. but don't let those long haired red necks fool you, they are extremely well eduated and have there stuff together, besides being able to "word" things or experiences like no other, they are great story tellers. i like there is usually a "moral" to the story.
Castle, Revenge and the Walking Dead are my must sees for the week. I'm still watching Grey's Anatomy, but bored with it. Scandal isn't bad and I'm liking Nashville.
Golden Jubilee was a year-long celebration held every 50 years in which all bondmen were freed, mortgaged lands were restored to the original owners, and land was left fallow: Lev. 25:8-17