"Rights" are conferred by those in power. They are based on beliefs and suppositions, and those beliefs and suppositions are derived from survival instincts and quantifiable experience. The "inalienable" rights described in the Declaration of Independence, for example, are beliefs, pure and simple. There is no demonstrable evidence that rights accrue to human beings by dint of birth. Common sense may declare that freedom has a beneficial impact upon the survival of the species, but too much freedom is antithetical to structure, and structure is the very definition of life.
Maintaining structure is critical to survival. Therefore, restrictions are absolutely necessary, or else nothing works. You can't do whatever you want. With 7 billion egos on the planet all striving for supremacy, you are going to get in someone else's way. It's inevitable.
Maintaining structure is critical to survival. Therefore, restrictions are absolutely necessary, or else nothing works. You can't do whatever you want. With 7 billion egos on the planet all striving for supremacy, you are going to get in someone else's way. It's inevitable.