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We're all here for the same why...

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    We're all here for the same why...

    Does it seem that there are so many posts, both recent and past, that have nothing to do with politics originally, but somehow someway, it ends up turning that way, bad mouthing affiliations & someone's personal sentiments / views????

    We are here because we all are, have, or plan to file for bankruptcy - which means that your political views should be left out. You can grumble all you want to yourself behind your computer screen - but WHY is it necessary to blast every single thing you dont agree with and cast it onto everyone else on the forum? Grow up for crying out loud! If I wanted to listen to or read people's political views, tangents, and screaming fits - I'd turn on the news channels (yes ALL OF THEM) and flip through until my little heart was bleeding, or join a political forum where I could thrash & bash til my brain bled, thats my option and I have that control. HOWEVER - when I choose to read a post that has no political sentiment, yet somehow turns into a political rant against whatever someone's views are, it makes me want to stay away from this forum all together.

    My thought is if you want to rant, rave and rage about he said/she said/he did/didnt do, then go debate in a political forum or ask that a political sub-forum be put into place on the BK forum, but please for the love of chocolate, furry critters and sunshine....keep it out of general discussion / BK topics.

    ( ya'll thought I'd put "please for the love of God / all that's holy" right? Nope - because inevitably someone would say "why does it have to be God/holy - I'm offended - religion has nothing to do with it!")

    Bottom line is that I could care less if you are a right wing, left wing, radical to either side, halfway in between, libertarian, independent, war monger, peace loving, save the whales, gun toting, sign toting, union, non-union, rich, poor, county boy/girl, city slicker, colored yellow, blue or purple, Donk-ele-dent, alien from outerspace or ANYTHING IN BETWEEN. ...We all live here in this wonderful place called the USA - there is no other place like it in the world where freedom exists to our level; if you dont like it here/government/people/laws/etc, then keep that to yourself or move to another country, but dont bash it - remember your right to bash openly came at the price of lives lost defending your ability to have that right. Right, Left or In-between - each person today and in our history has made this country what it is today and without either party it wouldn't work. Birds have both a right and left wing - one without the other and it goes nowhere.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one that must feel this way on here - however if I am, then I'll stand behind my convictions and line drawn in the sand regarding this post, while at the same time respecting your right to believe otherwise, and not bash you for disagreeing with me.

    Thanks for the opportunity to post my frustrations / annoyances....


    Joining Pandora behind her line drawn in the sand.

    Oh and I LOVE this quote from Pandora's post:
    Birds have both a right and left wing - one without the other and it goes nowhere
    ~~ Filed Over Median Income Chapter 7: 12/17/2010 ~~ 341 Held: 1/12/2011 ~~ Discharged: 03/16/2011 ~~
    Not an attorney - just an opinionated woman.


      Filed 1/31/11 341 3/2/11 Waiting for discharge........


        "I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY!" Ch 7 Filed 7/15/11 * 3 Minute 341 8/19/11 * Discharged 10/20/11


          Thanks for making some EXCELLENT points and, best of all, for a great quote:

          Originally posted by Pandora View Post
          ...please for the love of chocolate, furry critters and sunshine...
          OK - from now on it's not a "Bankruptcy." It's a "Weight Loss Program." I'm in. Sign me up.


            Excellent quote and completely agree with you.
            URL Removed by Admin


              Since I am currently eating chocolate, watching a squirrel play in my woods amid the sparkling sunshine I find I am totally simpatico with Pandora!


                I prefer vanilla, snakes, and you've offended me.

                Obviously kidding and I couldn't agree with you more. Thanks for saying what needed to be said!


                  Originally posted by ValleYum View Post

                  Joining Pandora behind her line drawn in the sand.

                  Oh and I LOVE this quote from Pandora's post: .
                  totally totally agree
                  filed: 8/10 ...341:10/8/10 ... Discharged & Close: 12/9/10
                  "Nothing is easy to the unwilling" Thomas Fuller


                    By nature, I am always the one who wants to stick my toe over the line in the sand. However I can't find a valid reason to do so. *sigh*
                    So YEAH for Pandora!! Lol!

                    I have to agree as well, but I still am wanting to stick my toe there anyhow...*GRIN*
                    8-07-09-filed Chapter 7

                    Life is not what challenges you face, but how you face those challenges.


                      good point Pandora-I have been very impressed with the civility and professionalism of this forum unlike most other forums on the internet. I have to admit that a few times recently I have responded to comments that I thought were crass and out of place. Being born in NJ stays with you forever, as hard as you try to get it out of your system-LOL-(and please I mean no offense to all NJ natives and current residents) so i just have to say what's on my mind. I'll try to behave.


                        Originally posted by Pandora View Post
                        Does it seem that there are so many posts, both recent and past, that have nothing to do with politics originally, but somehow someway, it ends up turning that way, bad mouthing affiliations & someone's personal sentiments / views????

                        We are here because we all are, have, or plan to file for bankruptcy - which means that your political views should be left out. You can grumble all you want to yourself behind your computer screen - but WHY is it necessary to blast every single thing you dont agree with and cast it onto everyone else on the forum? Grow up for crying out loud! If I wanted to listen to or read people's political views, tangents, and screaming fits - I'd turn on the news channels (yes ALL OF THEM) and flip through until my little heart was bleeding, or join a political forum where I could thrash & bash til my brain bled, thats my option and I have that control. HOWEVER - when I choose to read a post that has no political sentiment, yet somehow turns into a political rant against whatever someone's views are, it makes me want to stay away from this forum all together.

                        My thought is if you want to rant, rave and rage about he said/she said/he did/didnt do, then go debate in a political forum or ask that a political sub-forum be put into place on the BK forum, but please for the love of chocolate, furry critters and sunshine....keep it out of general discussion / BK topics.

                        ( ya'll thought I'd put "please for the love of God / all that's holy" right? Nope - because inevitably someone would say "why does it have to be God/holy - I'm offended - religion has nothing to do with it!")

                        Bottom line is that I could care less if you are a right wing, left wing, radical to either side, halfway in between, libertarian, independent, war monger, peace loving, save the whales, gun toting, sign toting, union, non-union, rich, poor, county boy/girl, city slicker, colored yellow, blue or purple, Donk-ele-dent, alien from outerspace or ANYTHING IN BETWEEN. ...We all live here in this wonderful place called the USA - there is no other place like it in the world where freedom exists to our level; if you dont like it here/government/people/laws/etc, then keep that to yourself or move to another country, but dont bash it - remember your right to bash openly came at the price of lives lost defending your ability to have that right. Right, Left or In-between - each person today and in our history has made this country what it is today and without either party it wouldn't work. Birds have both a right and left wing - one without the other and it goes nowhere.

                        I'm sure I'm not the only one that must feel this way on here - however if I am, then I'll stand behind my convictions and line drawn in the sand regarding this post, while at the same time respecting your right to believe otherwise, and not bash you for disagreeing with me.

                        Thanks for the opportunity to post my frustrations / annoyances....
                        I am one of those guilty of touching on politics, especially when it relates to unemployment extensions. I do not attack other members however. If you read my posts, I calmly and respectfully acknowledge opposing points of view, make my disagreements, but not call anyone names. Sometimes threads do take a turn down the political avenue as well.

                        But I get your point.


                          Originally posted by Pandora View Post
                          ( ya'll thought I'd put "please for the love of God / all that's holy" right? Nope - because inevitably someone would say "why does it have to be God/holy - I'm offended - religion has nothing to do with it!")
                          LMBO, sounds pretty familiar to me.
                          Disclaimer: Young, NOT Dumb.(._.) The plan: $480 monthly for 60 months at 100%. 07/12/08
                          Motion to Discharge: FILED!! 08/07/13
                          60 down/0 to go \m/(*.*)\m/ 100% complete!


                            Originally posted by Pandora View Post
                            Bottom line is that I could care less if you are a right wing, left wing, radical to either side, halfway in between, libertarian, independent, war monger, peace loving, save the whales, gun toting, sign toting, union, non-union, rich, poor, county boy/girl, city slicker, colored yellow, blue or purple, Donk-ele-dent, alien from outerspace or ANYTHING IN BETWEEN. ...We all live here in this wonderful place called the USA - there is no other place like it in the world where freedom exists to our level; if you dont like it here/government/people/laws/etc, then keep that to yourself or move to another country, but dont bash it - remember your right to bash openly came at the price of lives lost defending your ability to have that right. Right, Left or In-between - each person today and in our history has made this country what it is today and without either party it wouldn't work. Birds have both a right and left wing - one without the other and it goes nowhere.

                            I'm sure I'm not the only one that must feel this way on here - however if I am, then I'll stand behind my convictions and line drawn in the sand regarding this post, while at the same time respecting your right to believe otherwise, and not bash you for disagreeing with me.

                            Thanks for the opportunity to post my frustrations / annoyances....
                            What do you find annoying or frustrating about people who are passionate about politics and express their passion? The beauty of this country is the freedom that allows people to express their views. It seems contradictory to me that annoys you given your recognition that many sacrificed for our right to do just that. I welcome everyone to speak their mind whether I agree or not with their opinion. In fact I prefer to read opinions that differ than mine. It helps me appreciate our freedom.
                            Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                              Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
                              What do you find annoying or frustrating about people who are passionate about politics and express their passion? The beauty of this country is the freedom that allows people to express their views. It seems contradictory to me that annoys you given your recognition that many sacrificed for our right to do just that. I welcome everyone to speak their mind whether I agree or not with their opinion. In fact I prefer to read opinions that differ than mine. It helps me appreciate our freedom.
                              Now Ohio... see, you misread/interpreted what I wrote (what you bolded)

                              My entire point was if I click on a link that says "Puppies are adorable...which flea collar?" one is safe to assume that its about puppies, flea collars and which brand someone uses. AND... it may start out that way at first...however inevitably someone will come on and post "yeah but do you know how bad they are? The history of the requirement of a flea collar was because some idiotic Republican/Democrat had a dog and decided that this was the best thought EVER, whadda ass*ole..stupid left wing/right wing Regan/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Mr. Snuffalupagus/Big Bird supporter!"

                              Get my meaning? I didnt click that post to read about political views..I clicked it to recommend a flea collar, and read about cute adorable furry puppies.

                              THAT is the point of what I wrote above and what annoys me to no end. I"m sure many posters who start threads with NO POLITICAL THOUGHT in mind - get annoyed when someone brings rain to the birthday party. :/ In the same token, I also hit on another area in a sense, which was bashing the views of anyone who disagreed with your own (not you personally, but whoever is reading/responding) political views/religious views/whatever - we are each individuals and have our own beliefs - and you're right - differing views is what makes this country what it is/has been/always will be. I never said I didnt want to read someone elses political views - actually I thought I said just the opposite ?? but that the action of differing and debating does not constitute the need to bash the other side, regardless of what that side is.

                              I have no qualms in sharing what my beliefs are - I'll gladly share them - if asked and in the right situation/post - but not in someone elses post that has no bearing whatsoever on them.
                              Last edited by Pandora; 03-19-2011, 05:51 AM.


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