And I mean the most meaningful, useful, etc. Not the most extravagant.
I need help picking out gifts for my in-laws and of course DH is of no help. I am particularly interested in what you would get for your in-laws, or what you have received and loved from your children (by marriage or not), or would like to receive.
I know I am late on the Christmas shopping this year, but for the first time, earlier this year we had to cash out our Christmas club account early for emergency expenses and I am getting a Christmas bonus around Thanksgiving so we have to wait until then.
Let's make this a helpful thread for all of those in need of gifting advice!
I need help picking out gifts for my in-laws and of course DH is of no help. I am particularly interested in what you would get for your in-laws, or what you have received and loved from your children (by marriage or not), or would like to receive.
I know I am late on the Christmas shopping this year, but for the first time, earlier this year we had to cash out our Christmas club account early for emergency expenses and I am getting a Christmas bonus around Thanksgiving so we have to wait until then.
Let's make this a helpful thread for all of those in need of gifting advice!
