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Looking back at the Holiday....

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    Looking back at the Holiday....

    I was just setting here thinking about how great it is that i actually paid cash for Christmas presents this past year, and that i owe no money to anybody for any of it. We were confirmed on our Chapter 13 in October, and it's a good feeling that i know my kids have food to eat and at the end of the week (after trying to pay credit cards) i have more then $20.00 to spend on groceries for the week. My kids did with alot less this year, but i bargained shopped galore and was really surprised what name brands of clothing i could find for very little money on the bargain racks, ie: Hollister $10.00 tops, Aeropostle $5.00 tops, etc. and my kids loved them. I actually did better at these stores then i could at Walmart or Kmart. Dh's car needs fixed bad, its setting in the yard..but we will put a little bit back each week until we can get it fixed and going again, but we're alot happier and we don't argue as much and this makes for a pretty good life! So far i'm thinking this is the best thing we could have done!
    Date filed: 06/24/2009
    341 Meeting: 07/27/2009
    Plan confirmed: 10/14/2009
    $340.00 per month @ 60 months

    Congrats on moving to cash. This is going to be a hard road for all who travel it. I'm trying to get myself back in the mindset of no credit and bargain shopping all the time. My hubby laughed at me the other day because Target had a lot of good toys on sale 75% off so I sent ahead a bought Christmas presents for the nieces & nephews for this year. I spent less than $40 on 7 kids. I know things are going to get worse before they get better and just trying to be prepared. I've always looked down my nose at bankruptcy and after finding this forum I realize I am not alone and that I was an ass to think the way I did without knowing what happened to cause their problems.

    Regarding your car I have found several mechanics are also out of work and working from their homes. I'm all about the backyard mechanic saving me hundreds of dollars!
    If you think no one cares about you try missing a couple of payments.


      Yes, while doing all my shopping at Christmas and in general I find myself second guessing purchases I would have just thrown in my cart before & charged them... Now I think really hard before I buy something I really dont need.... If I have the extra money I may treat myself to a new shirt or something.... It was an adjustment but getting easier all the time....
      Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones
      Chapter 13 filed 10-21-09
      Discharged 4-13-15


        I love to do my holiday/birthday shopping on the off seasons. It makes for a good day out with the girls to have quality time and saving money. We treat ourselves to lunch (usually with coupons). In a few weeks we are making a day trip to the outlet mall for their sidewalk days. I find things such as $10 shoes and $20 coats at the Nike store, Jeans at Vanity Fair for $5, etc. It really is a savings if you know what you are buying. Sometimes you have to be careful at the outlet stores as you can stuff cheaper elsewhere. I just hope it isn't freezing out!

        Next year for Thanksgiving, our neighborhood is going to volunteer at the Salvation Army to serve their dinner and then the following Saturday, we are going to have a neighbor potluck. This will also be a savings and will put the true meeting back into the holiday.


          "Next year for Thanksgiving, our neighborhood is going to volunteer at the Salvation Army to serve their dinner and then the following Saturday, we are going to have a neighbor potluck. This will also be a savings and will put the true meeting back into the holiday."

          Wow nerves, that is awesome!
          11-12-2009 Filed Chapter 13
          12-23-2009 - 341
          1-20-2010 - business 341


            Congrats chickenlittle, we just did the same thing!

            By not having debt to begin with, we had enough cash (by being careful) to cover christmas within our budget.

            And now, I'm putting about $80/mo aside for next year...


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