You can avoid paying anything at all if your total PACER bill is less than $10. If your balance at the end of the quarter is less than $10, then the balance will carry forward to the next quarter. If you never exceed $10, you will never have to pay.
So, if you really need to look at something on your case, you can do it without paying.
As for a previous post, I also filed Pro Se, and PACER has been invaluable to me.
You can avoid paying anything at all if your total PACER bill is less than $10. If your balance at the end of the quarter is less than $10, then the balance will carry forward to the next quarter. If you never exceed $10, you will never have to pay.
So, if you really need to look at something on your case, you can do it without paying.
As for a previous post, I also filed Pro Se, and PACER has been invaluable to me.