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I looooooooooooooove my coupons! I am one who does cut out all the coupons from the Sunday paper, and grab them out of magazines when I see them. However, I use them wisely....I NEVER buy anything I would not normally buy, just because I have a coupon. I don't feel it is a waste of time at all. It's not unusual for me to save $10-$15+ on a big grocery trip. Plus I combine coupons with sales, and that's really a savings.
Same here. I also keep a magnetic paper pad on the refrigerator door and we regularly add the things we run out of. I then take that list, go online to my grocery store website, and find the specials for the week, which run from Thursday through Wednesday. I end up building my menus around the things that are on sale and use the "good" coupons -- meaning those over $.75. None of our supermarkets double coupons, and they don't accept downloaded coupons either due to fraud (or so they say). I did my weekly shopping today. Spent $109, and saved $23.91 in advertised specials, $8.93 in "advantage buys" (non-advertised specials) and $12.75 in coupons.
BK 7 filed and discharged in 2004 after 30+ years of perfect credit. Life HAPPENS.
I'm a "coupon buff" too............ but not as heavy as I used to be... Don't do a whole lot of heavy cooking anymore now that it's just me....
I watch the sale papers, Krogers, Walmart, and a mom/pop store here in town..... buy in bulk when on sale....... and stock up on drygoods when they run them 10/$10.00.....
I don't buy stuff I don't need, or will not use. Also I am a store brand person on a lot of things...... Name brands have never really been a big issue in my life.
Milk, bread, etc I buy the store brand (a lot cheaper) and made by the same company that makes the name brand for the store...
I buy in bulk when meats are on sale only...... but don't over do it! I buy produce that is in "season"...... and seldom prepackaged produce..... (I've not gotten so lazy that I can't cut up a head of lettuce)...etc
Convenient foods are great for quick meals, but they can get pricey.... in the long run.
Liquid soap detergent all comes from the same base..... (my brother used to haul it).... The only difference is each company adds it's own scent, color, and fabric softner they put in it....
I used to wash my clothes just using the "base" where my brother would "drain the containers"... We didn't buy soap detergent for YEARS..... only used the base.
I buy winter things in the spring sales.........etc..... I do a lot of Christmas shopping after Jan 1st... 75% off!!!
Even material,clothing, tools etc is all on sale thru out the year as the seasons change.
Watch the ads, check often in the clearance depts and you can find lots of good deals.
Fast foods run specials all the time for eating out deals.....
Cut those dollars where you can, IT PAYS TOO..........
"It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".
My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.
I tried the grocerygame and I might try it again now that I have moved. The problem I had in my last city was that they didn't include one of the biggest grocery stores closest to my home.
As for CVS, I know you can get about a million things for free, but it seems VERY complicated and time consuming.
I have found that the easiest grocery shopping (on the brain) is Superwalmart because their prices are always low. They never do bogo, but when you want to buy Cheezits for example, I can buy them whenever I want because the are always $2.50. I would rather do this most of the time then seeing them at $4. 35 at another store and having to wait and get them during a bogo so I can get them for $2.17 each. But, if the Superwalmart close to me is gross and always crowded, then I will deal with regular grocery stores. The one closest to me now is brand new and never crowded, which I am sure will end eventually.
I also HATE buying tons of groceries and pushing a super heavy cart around then coming home and unloading groceries. I get tired of shopping and give up if I have too big of a list. I HATE it!!!! I would rather go every 7 to 10 days or so and get less and maybe pay a little more than stock up. I know I pay a bit more for this, but it is one of my splurges I guess. I do not buy Starbucks or candy, so I guess I can count this as my "latte factor!"
I don't think the website would work for everyone. If your stores don't double coupons you won't save as much or if you're only into using one brand and not others you might not like it. I just deduct the $15 I use for the site every 2 months from my grocery money and I am saving A LOT more money than that.
I can't find anywhere near us that doubles coupons. Hence, part of my frustration. I heard of people buying $40 of coupons off ebay for baby formula and the auction ended at $45. Didn't make sense to me until I realized they were going on double coupons day. I did a google search for double coupon and found a website that will list stores by region. There was nothing within a 3 hour drive of me. Maybe I'll try it out one day but without the benefit of double/triple coupons, I'm not saving much. Plus, with a baby, I tend to buy a lot of fresh stuff - not prepared. I wish they had coupons for fresh fruit and the like!