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This Made me Happy today!!!

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    "someone, anyone to give me a grandbaby" wayyy too funny

    I am at that point, too!!!

    Cassie, your son is still young. I didn't start worrying about grandkids until mine turned 30.

    BTW, I think about my mom every day since she died. I miss both my parents. But, as my wise son says....

    "As long as death follows the proper order, we have nothing to be sad about."


      I am thankful for my wonderful family. I never would have made it through life without the support of my parents. I never would have finished law school without my Mom and Sister's help watching my daughter. I am thankful every day for my Sister's help with my kids. I am thankful my extended family is close by and we get to spend lots of time together.

      I'm grateful for my 2 beautiful daughters. I am thankful for my wonderful fiance and all of his support and help. I am thankful for my job. I am thankful I have a roof over my head and food in my belly.
      Filed Ch. 7 Pro Se: 12/11/08
      341 Meeting: 1/7/09
      Trustee's Report of No Distribution: 1/9/09
      Discharged: 3/10/09


        Originally posted by chpxiii View Post
        Okay, I'm going to put what I'm happy for, I've been scared to because of the parents here considering what one of my "I'm happy for..."s is.

        * I'm grateful for the fact that I *don't* have children, considering what I know the future holds and what my past has been.
        OMG! You horrible person. lol j/k

        My best friend doesn't have/want kids. She's so goal driven that I think her having kids would ruin her. I sometimes openly admire her. It would be so nice just to up and do whatever I wanted without the "burden" of children. She has been able to do so many things already that I will probably never get the chance to do.

        Not having/wanting children is in no way a bad thing. My friend swears that everyone wants her to have kids because they want her to be miserable like the rest of "us". I sometimes wish she had kids just so we had more things in common to talk about. (that's just me being greedy, though - I only really want what makes her happy)


          Being among the "no children" women of the world...... ours may be by "choice" or by "natures problems".............

          In todays society - so unstable and unsecure - I often am relieved that I never had any children. I often wonder whats in the future for the new generations.........??

          Don't get me wrong - I LOVE CHILDREN.... just like I love men!!!

          But I guess it wasn't meant to be (in my case) soooooooo..... I live with it.....

          At least I don't have to worry about leaving ANYTHING behind when I leave this world.... no legacy..... no nothing. When it's over - IT'S OVER.

          But I am thankful for the days that I have been given and the days that I may have left. My heart still melts when I see a newborn - kids or animals - and I love to watch them grow up.
          The simple pleasures in life make me smile every day. I'm a people-watcher, a cloud watcher, and an animal watcher. I love being creative with my hands and with my mind.

          I count my blessings every day and hope too for many more years.

          I take the good, the bad, and the ugly, put them in a bag, and wait to see what falls out next. I can handle it..........

          God doesn't give me more than I'm able to handle.

          "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

          My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


            Originally posted by robivi3 View Post
            B12, that is great! And WTBDF that is a good testimony! I have been blessed with the best wife imagineable, she is unreal, not the norm. She has remained a faithful Christian all through the storms of life. She is a good person.

            And my boys, 20,18 & 17.
            It sounds like you have a really nice family. Always remember the power of prayer. I was really WILD at the same age as your boys are now but I had a lot of people praying for me and I've changed a lot since then (I'm 29 now).
            10/12/2007 Filed Chapter 711/08/2007 341 Meeting 01/07/2008 Last Day for Objections


              Lol..I never wanted kids before. Total accident first time, but it turned out well and for that I am thankful that they are healthy and turned out okay despite two horrid pregnancys where we almost lost me and one of them. Ive sunk into mom hood well. That said, not ever having kids is a blessing too, as you have time for yourself and a career, can go on a real vacation (NOT and not eat fish sticks and tater tots for dinner. Not everyone was meant to have children, and it makes me angry when people nag those who choose or can not have one.
              I am very thankful for my moody husband because he works hard, is a solid rock of strength and is a great dad to boot. I am so glad my oldest child is a natural brainiac and well behaved. Im thankful my youngest cuts up mass amounts of paper and gets glue everywhere making me sea creatures and suns/moons and decorating the house with crayons and glitter. I am so glad to have a 80lb dog on cold mornings who keeps my feet warm, to finally have a running family car, and a meatloaf in the oven!!! Im glad my dumb tattoos I got as a teen are in places not visable most of the time, and that my hair grew back when I shaved it all off (except my bangs at age 16) and dyed them pink. (YES me)
              ch7 8/07 CLOSED: 11/07 Rebuilding and saving.
              WAMU unsecured $2,000 Capital One unsecured $500
              PAID OFF MONTHLY!!!


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