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Yes, I survived Barrens chat as well. Did you know they sell shirts with that on it? I've been tempted to get one, but I think I will go with a plain old Horde crest. Most of my birthday money is going towards WoW..... shirts, WoTLK, and a transfer off of the realm I'm on.
My husband and I normally would have already had WoTLK, but with the turning over a new financial leaf, etc.... we have to wait till our birthday money rolls in. Both our BDs are at the end of Nov., so it won't be long now. Soon I will be the scariest, meanest, gankingest DK in all of Azeroth. Soon. Muuuhaaahaaa!
It would seem the new "Chuck" joke is the anal (can I say that word on here?) thing. They are really bad about it in trade chat. From what I understand Blizzard did eventually start handing out the bans/suspensions for it.
If making $$$ was as easy as gold I wouldn't even be on this forum!
I'm as bad with my gold as I am with money in real life. I see something shiny and pretty on the AH, I HAVE to have it. ;) There is no stopping me. It was a major struggle for me to get my epic for my spriest. I never thought I was going to gather up enough gold for it.
What server are you guys on. I'm on Moon Guard, but with the WotLK expansion the population has exploded and it's nearly impossible to quest without tripping over a Deathknight or 50.
I am on the Elune server but you are right the population explosion has made things so impossible. My que time is over 30 min on an ordinary night.
Filed!!04/23/2008[X] 341 5/27/2008[X]Converted to asset case 5/26/2008 [X] DISCHARGE 08/12/2008[X]
Converted to NO Asset case 12/15/2008[X]
Closed 12/16/2008 [X]:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
I have several toons on different realms, but my main is on Gul'dan. As I mentioned before, I'm planning on transferring off of there. The realm progression is a joke and the economy is messed up. Not only that, but the horde to ally ratio is something like 3 to1. It isn't much fun when you don't have anyone to gank. Assuming the population isn't too high, I'll most likely transfer to Blackrock or Laughing Skull.... that is where Leroy Jenkins plays.
I haven't had any trouble with getting onto my alt's server, but my husband and some of our guildies have. I would imagine that when the newness of the DKs wears off, the que time will shorten.
So far I've only been ganked by one DK. My husband on the other hand has been several DKs first honor kill.
...So far I've only been ganked by one DK. My husband on the other hand has been several DKs first honor kill.
Isn't it rewarding to contribute to the betterment of society?
I've always avoided the PvP servers, I enjoy PvP...but I don't want it thrust upon me while I'm questing. Now...if I see somebody flagged for world PvP, I typically take advantage of the situation, I don't mind being the one doing the thrusting.
My very first toon was on a PvE realm. It helped me get familiar with the game without having to worry about getting ganked. Once I got comfortable with it, I started up a new character on a PvP realm. I'll never go back. At times it does get my angry when I get killed while trying to quest, but for the most part, I enjoy that aspect of the game.
BTW, I found this today and thought it was rather appropriate for this thread. I've seen that same look in my husband's eyes many times, and I know he's seen it in mine.
I have chars on Nathrezim and Kael'Thas. I mainly stay on my pve server, although I "raised" my main on Nath (I've moved my main to KT). I like to pvp on my terms I guess lol
I have never leveled anything on a PVP server. Just how much does one get ganked? That doesn't sound like fun. I have only played on Elune and Norgannon. Hard to win BG's on Horde side of Elune but there are always people to run instances with. I do like that.
Filed!!04/23/2008[X] 341 5/27/2008[X]Converted to asset case 5/26/2008 [X] DISCHARGE 08/12/2008[X]
Converted to NO Asset case 12/15/2008[X]
Closed 12/16/2008 [X]:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
I have never leveled anything on a PVP server. Just how much does one get ganked? That doesn't sound like fun. I have only played on Elune and Norgannon. Hard to win BG's on Horde side of Elune but there are always people to run instances with. I do like that.
Some nights I'll get ganked 2 or 3 times, other nights not at all. Like tonight for example, I had a lvl ?? DK ride right past me in the Blasted Lands and he didn't bother me at all. However, the other night, I had a different DK in Menethil Harbor gank me twice. Same night, I got ganked by two horde (grouped) in Stranglethorn. It is a pain sometimes, but oh so much fun when the shoe is on the other foot.
The PvP server that my spriest is on, the horde almost never wins at AV. It is so frustrating when you're trying to get hk or marks for bg rewards. On the other hand, horde kicks but at AB. WSG is about even, I would say horde wins a little more. Then again, though with both AB and WSG it also depends on what lvl bracket you are in. WSG is almost impossible with all the ally twinks in the 19 and 29 brackets.
I've been thinking about moving off Moon Guard, any recommendations? Oh...I'mma Horde kinda guy.
My first character (PvE) was on Proudmoore. I don't know if it still is, but back in the day it was a high population server. Sometimes there was a que, especially on the weekends, but there also was never a shortage of people willing to run instances. I don't know what the horde to ally ratio is on PM, though. I do know there is somewhere where you can look that up, as my husband does it often. I'll have to ask him what site that is.
I'm a horde gal too. The toon I'm currently playing is a human lock, but I really miss my BE spriest. The spriest is on that crappy server I mentioned before, so I don't play her much anymore.
I have been playing Eternal Sonata on the 360 lately. With the new baby the wife and I have taken an extended leave from the world of Norrath. Luckily I get some time to play some console games that I missed out on!