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can filing pro se stop current student loan garnishment until discharge?

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    can filing pro se stop current student loan garnishment until discharge?

    I am currently being garnished by MDHE for student loan payments and am in the process of getting all of my bankruptcy paperwork finished so that i can file. My loan was transferred from Wells Fargo/AES to MDHE (Missouri Dept of Higher Ed) and because I was unable to make the high monthly payments and take care of home they started garnishment last month. Will chapter 7 atleast stop the garnishment until I am discharged?

    I thought garnishments for taxes, federal student loans, and child support do not stop during the BK process as these debts are not dischargeable. But I could be wrong (wouldn't be the first time - just ask my ex-husband).
    Filed Pro Se: 11.12.2010 ~ 341: 1.12.2011 ~ Discharged: 3.9.2011 ~ Officially an Asset Case: 3.30.2011 ~ Last Day to File Asset Claim: 6.28.2011 ~ Trustee Final Report: 8.1.2011 ~ Asset Distribution: 8.31.2011 ~ Case Close: 11.15.2011


      Yes, the garnishment must stop when you file bankruptcy but may restart when you are discharged or dismissed. Have you considered an income based repayment program or Chapter 13?
      Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


        Thanks for the info wasn't quite sure being that they are government loans


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