I am recently unemployed. I have a question about getting my TSP (US Government Thrift Savings Plan) paid out during bankruptcy. I have had no income for the last 1 ½ months. I want to file this week, but I want to if I can and should take the option to have my TSP paid out to me. I have about $4000 in it. I need to live on while I’m job hunting. I’m also expecting back-pay for unused vacation pay earned PRIOR to 6 months ago (I’m still trying to figure out how I claim that as income). I don’t know what I’ll get after taxes for the vacation check nor what I’ll get from my TSP (taxed heavy I think) but If I have to add my TSP value alone to my prior 6 months earnings it will put me over the median. I might have the option to leave my TSP in limbo for a few months until I decide to pay it out or put it into another 401 or IRA or whatever, but I am expecting to need the money.
I understand that I can list the $4000 in my TSP as exempt (IRA..) but what would happen if I listed that as such and withdrew it before my 341 meeting because I need it to live on. Will my trustee try to let me know that I should have predicted I was going to use it or will he understand that I just need to money to live on and not be nerved when he considers my circumstances. Either way, will creditors have claim to my TSP payout (which will probably be about (2500.00 I’m guessing). If they do have claim in any way, can I somehow justify to someone that I need the money to live on and pay necessities because I have zero income otherwise; most importantly can I easily convince the trustee and the judge?
I also understand that even if I leave it alone, won’t people in decision making power see that I no longer work there and something has to be done with the 401 anyway.
I really need the money. Is this just something I can ask the trustee as soon as I find out who it is after filing to pave the way on it?
Almost ready, want to file this week.
I am recently unemployed. I have a question about getting my TSP (US Government Thrift Savings Plan) paid out during bankruptcy. I have had no income for the last 1 ½ months. I want to file this week, but I want to if I can and should take the option to have my TSP paid out to me. I have about $4000 in it. I need to live on while I’m job hunting. I’m also expecting back-pay for unused vacation pay earned PRIOR to 6 months ago (I’m still trying to figure out how I claim that as income). I don’t know what I’ll get after taxes for the vacation check nor what I’ll get from my TSP (taxed heavy I think) but If I have to add my TSP value alone to my prior 6 months earnings it will put me over the median. I might have the option to leave my TSP in limbo for a few months until I decide to pay it out or put it into another 401 or IRA or whatever, but I am expecting to need the money.
I understand that I can list the $4000 in my TSP as exempt (IRA..) but what would happen if I listed that as such and withdrew it before my 341 meeting because I need it to live on. Will my trustee try to let me know that I should have predicted I was going to use it or will he understand that I just need to money to live on and not be nerved when he considers my circumstances. Either way, will creditors have claim to my TSP payout (which will probably be about (2500.00 I’m guessing). If they do have claim in any way, can I somehow justify to someone that I need the money to live on and pay necessities because I have zero income otherwise; most importantly can I easily convince the trustee and the judge?
I also understand that even if I leave it alone, won’t people in decision making power see that I no longer work there and something has to be done with the 401 anyway.
I really need the money. Is this just something I can ask the trustee as soon as I find out who it is after filing to pave the way on it?
Almost ready, want to file this week.