I am roughly $7,500 below my state's median income, but I keep seeing it said to be sure disposable income after all listed expenses is either negative or at least under approx. $200 or I could be switched into ch13?
I have some expenses that will change after I'm divorced and my husband stops covering me on his health insurance and things like that, but I didn't want to list those because they aren't actual at this moment.
if our monthly income after expenses is really supposed to be that low, how are we supposed to ever get back on our financial feet and actually be able to put money into savings?? Once the credit cards are gone and the car breaks down or the plumbing or something breaks at the house, then what?
I am never going to live long enough to attend my 341 on Feb. 16th.
I have some expenses that will change after I'm divorced and my husband stops covering me on his health insurance and things like that, but I didn't want to list those because they aren't actual at this moment.
if our monthly income after expenses is really supposed to be that low, how are we supposed to ever get back on our financial feet and actually be able to put money into savings?? Once the credit cards are gone and the car breaks down or the plumbing or something breaks at the house, then what?
I am never going to live long enough to attend my 341 on Feb. 16th.