I'm trying not to just concur with HHM, as I always seem to do, but you have an issue with the $14K and it's going to be evident in your bank statements.
As suggested, I only ask that you seek Legal Aid or some pro bono service (in the least) to review your schedules with you (if they can), because once you submit those, it's like submitting sworn testimony to the Court. It's part of the record.
I would be on the phone today seeing if there are some Legal Aid services that you qualify for. We just don't want to see you fall into a bad situation if you have questionable things on your petition, and don't have a legal basis for doing what you did, because that will CO$T you.

I would be on the phone today seeing if there are some Legal Aid services that you qualify for. We just don't want to see you fall into a bad situation if you have questionable things on your petition, and don't have a legal basis for doing what you did, because that will CO$T you.