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Insurance Scoring (Credit Checks)

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    I called AAA and they found me a monthly rate of $175, which is $41 less than the best my Farm Bureau agent could do, and $90 less than I was paying with my lien-carrying previous car. It's not great, but considering the situation with teens, I think it's pretty good.

    I did shop around with several of the biggies...they were all in the $200-$300 range. I wanted to laugh in their faces when they'd come back with a $300/month quote on three cars 9 yrs or older, liability and uninsured ONLY, no DUIs or speeding tickets. Seriously? It's like you're gambling with your insurance money. The state says you must carry the service, but if you use the service you've been mandated to pay for all these years, you're going to get penalized heavily and repeatedly. Ugh. There's my rant for the day. Oh and AAA apparently hasn't done a credit check.
    Filed Chapter 7 on 2/22/11, 341 meeting held 3/30/11, relief of stay on foreclosure 4/12/11, relief of stay on auto 5/17/11, Discharge on 6/6/11!


      THAT is an awesome rate (I have a teen on ins too!) - may I ask who the ins co is? AAA is your broker, essentially, not the ins co BUT that is a GREAT rate!!!!

      Originally posted by Clabbergirl View Post
      I called AAA and they found me a monthly rate of $175, which is $41 less than the best my Farm Bureau agent could do, and $90 less than I was paying with my lien-carrying previous car. It's not great, but considering the situation with teens, I think it's pretty good.

      I did shop around with several of the biggies...they were all in the $200-$300 range. I wanted to laugh in their faces when they'd come back with a $300/month quote on three cars 9 yrs or older, liability and uninsured ONLY, no DUIs or speeding tickets. Seriously? It's like you're gambling with your insurance money. The state says you must carry the service, but if you use the service you've been mandated to pay for all these years, you're going to get penalized heavily and repeatedly. Ugh. There's my rant for the day. Oh and AAA apparently hasn't done a credit check.


        It's with a company called Infinity Insurance, and yes, AAA is the broker. I don't have a problem with that if they are the cheapest for me as the bottom line! I have learned the hard way that keeping AAA is invaluable also, especially on older cars and with teens. They have bailed me out a time or two with excellent customer service.
        Filed Chapter 7 on 2/22/11, 341 meeting held 3/30/11, relief of stay on foreclosure 4/12/11, relief of stay on auto 5/17/11, Discharge on 6/6/11!


          Originally posted by Clabbergirl View Post
          It's with a company called Infinity Insurance, and yes, AAA is the broker. I don't have a problem with that if they are the cheapest for me as the bottom line! I have learned the hard way that keeping AAA is invaluable also, especially on older cars and with teens. They have bailed me out a time or two with excellent customer service.
          Nice!!! They look like a regional car only insurer...that is good, with teens, good news!!!


            I'm considering filing within the next 1-3 months and I just found out yesterday that my auto policy is up for renewal in June. Currently I have some type of discount for good credit. I'm currently paid up on all bills and have a good credit score. Would it be better to wait until after that policy is renewed and I get that discount to file BK or would they go back and change it after they learn of the BK? Or does it matter at all? Thanks.


              Yes, I think it would be better to wait until your policy is renewed to file. Check also about your homeowner's insurance. Having a BK on your record can and will have an impact on your rates, and/or your ability to get insurance. We did not have the trouble with our car insurance, but certainly did with renewing our homeowner's insurance.
              "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

              "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


                Originally posted by AngelinaCat View Post
                Yes, I think it would be better to wait until your policy is renewed to file. Check also about your homeowner's insurance. Having a BK on your record can and will have an impact on your rates, and/or your ability to get insurance. We did not have the trouble with our car insurance, but certainly did with renewing our homeowner's insurance.
                No homeowners policy, but I do have a renter's policy that is only $15/month so I'm not as concerned about that one. That one doesn't renew until December. Thanks.


                  Originally posted by dneil View Post
                  The insurance companies checking credit is so wrong. People are filing bankruptcy or not able to pay their bills which destroys their credit is for different reasons from 10 years ago. A lot of jobs have been lost. If you lose your job and are on unemployment, it makes it difficult to pay for everything that you were prior to losing your job. This insurance scoring seems so unfair. Things have changed in our economy and it has absolutely nothing to do with me or my husband being fraudulent or being a risky driver.

                  I think it is absolute bull crap that they charge us more money for car insurance that we are required to have just because we have had economical stress due to the economical changes in our nation. Insurance companies equal big money. Big money equals power with the government.
                  Soon there will be driverless cars - available to folks as either standard owner-operated or as driverless taxis - and with it, all the problems with liability insurance.


                    Originally posted by dneil View Post
                    Yes. We did have a claim. Someone broke into our garage and stole our guns. We got pennies on a dollar as far as "reimbursement".... and now, our homeowners has almost doubled. It is absolutely disgusting, but nothing will be done about it. You know why? Because our darned government is not ran by our elected officials. It is ran by the banks, wall street, insurance corporations and other very wealthy and powerful people.
                    No, it shows that you probably either live in a high-burglary area or you aren't deterring burglars well enough.

                    I've had burglars steal my washer & dryer (yes, aside from perhaps a cup with $10 or coins, that's all they took). I didn't bother reporting it. What I did do is make sure that whenever I go away somewhere overnight, I board up all the windows from the inside, and I've installed a lock on my gate-door attached garage (that has a windowed wall with the house because it used to just be a carport). What do you know, aside from someone breaking some windows - only to be thwarted by those interior boards - no one was successfully gotten inside after that (and I now have put exterior boards on the windows in the back so that the burglars won't even get that far).

                    My next house will be new construction, and it is going to have metal exterior blinds on all the windows & doors so that it will like Fort Knox when I go away!


                      joshuagraham please re-read the forum rules and do not open up old threads. In the rules you'll see that most people move on and will never see these responses or even respond. If it's new information it may be better to open up a new thread and have a new discussion about new trends (such as driverless cars).
                      Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
                      Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
                      Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

                      Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


                        Originally posted by justbroke View Post
                        joshuagraham please re-read the forum rules and do not open up old threads. In the rules you'll see that most people move on and will never see these responses or even respond. If it's new information it may be better to open up a new thread and have a new discussion about new trends (such as driverless cars).
                        I hadn't noticed that it was such an old thread. Perhaps the moderators should lock an old thread so that a member can't continue it.


                          Originally posted by joshuagraham View Post
                          I hadn't noticed that it was such an old thread. Perhaps the moderators should lock an old thread so that a member can't continue it.
                          I am a moderator and we don't lock the threads in case the original poster comes back with more information to update their status. Since bankruptcy (and non-bankruptcy) law changes over time, it's also likely that the underlying opinions expressed in the thread could be off based on any modifications to the law. The main reason is that the original poster, and other people that were participating, are likely gone after their discharge. The site owner has not decided on whether the really old threads should be locked.
                          Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
                          Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
                          Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

                          Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


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