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Lawyer fees NY

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    Lawyer fees NY

    Hello there - finally spoke in person to a local attorney here in Putnam county NY and he told me his fee was $2500.00. That seems like a lot to me am I correct?

    He also told me he can keep me in my house for another 3-4 years - is that a strange thing to promise?

    $2500 is not out of the normal range. You can try meeting with other attorneys to see if you can find a lower fee. But attorney fees is no place to cut corners. Choose an attorney you are confident in, not the one with the lowest fee.

    The 3-4 years is probably based on how long it is taking banks to foreclose based on his experience. It is a bit risky for an attorney to promise something like that, because it is hard to know for sure. But it isn't uncommon for people to live in their homes for free for years after defaulting on the mortgage.
    LadyInTheRed is in the black!
    Filed Chap 13 April 2010. Discharged May 2015.
    $143,000 in debt discharged for $36,500, including attorneys fees. Money well spent!


      It's a good idea to consult with several attorneys before deciding on one, 3-5 is not unusual.


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