Well, I'm supposed to file tomorrow, but of course in the last minute paralegal sends me my filing, and lo and behold - there is $960 of disposable income??? What the EF?
(I asked this from Des also, but I know he can't answer during the day...and I'm on pins and needles here...)
So...aside from getting my mort payment wrong (under), and basically not connecting my case to my spouse's (long story) - does Spouse's Ch 13 payment go on Schedule J? Isn't it a required payment out of our joint budget? If not, I'm screwed guys.
When I met atty 2 weeks ago, he said, DMI was like MINUS $516?!?!?!? so what happened between HIS software and paralegal's input???
I emailed back my "corrections" - I won't get an answer until tomorrow morning from paralegal...when my appt is...so ANY help would be great so I don't spend the rest of the evening puking in my soup....
OK guys - never mind!!! ATTY!!! emailed me - YES CH 13 payment goes on Schedule J - dear God I need to go somewhere, lay down, drink something Frogger would have on tap and go to sleep.
(I asked this from Des also, but I know he can't answer during the day...and I'm on pins and needles here...)
So...aside from getting my mort payment wrong (under), and basically not connecting my case to my spouse's (long story) - does Spouse's Ch 13 payment go on Schedule J? Isn't it a required payment out of our joint budget? If not, I'm screwed guys.
When I met atty 2 weeks ago, he said, DMI was like MINUS $516?!?!?!? so what happened between HIS software and paralegal's input???
I emailed back my "corrections" - I won't get an answer until tomorrow morning from paralegal...when my appt is...so ANY help would be great so I don't spend the rest of the evening puking in my soup....
OK guys - never mind!!! ATTY!!! emailed me - YES CH 13 payment goes on Schedule J - dear God I need to go somewhere, lay down, drink something Frogger would have on tap and go to sleep.