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Does anyone else still answer phone calls with trepidation?

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    Does anyone else still answer phone calls with trepidation?

    We've been discharged for 6 months, almost. Our debts have been discharged. Our assets are in the process of being distributed. So why, when I see an unfamiliar number on my caller ID, do I still get that feeling of trepidation and reluctance to answer?

    Is anyone else still experiencing this phenomenon? I swear, I just want to be able to pick up the phone with no fear lol. I rented a car over the weekend, and they called today to do a phone survey about the service. I almost laughed in the guy's ear when he told me who he was.

    I know I've learned from this whole swimming in debt experience. I know I'm not going to repeat the same mistakes over again. I know that nobody, legally, has the right to call and harass me over an old debt. I'd love to hear feedback from others as to how long they experienced phone-fear
    Filed pro se, made it through the 341, discharged, Closed!!!

    I know how you feel. I used to get a ton of phone calls at work, and I do get anxious when the phone rings until I see from the caller ID that it's someone I know.


      My phone fear ended when my attorney filed for me. Then I felt I had something to "hand out." I was ready with my case number and attorney's contact info, to any bill collector who hadn't yet received my petition or just dared to call after they had been listed.

      Then, it's funny but just today, I was talking with a friend who had me write down her new cell phone number. She said that she wanted to make sure I'd answer my phone and I'd know it just wasn't some "nut" calling. I replied, "Don't worry, with all I've gone through, the automatic stay took care of that. I always answer my phone." LOL
      Last edited by lillymarlene; 06-14-2011, 08:22 PM.


        Collections calls are still coming in... but they are asking for my ex who is defaulting on his debts. I wonder how these banks and collectors are able to get my cell phone number which I got after we have been long divorced. =/
        Filed No Asset Chp 7 BK: January 2010
        Discharged: August 2010
        A life lesson well learned.


          Every time my phones rings, I still have that little "twang" of anxiousness that was present before I filed. Since filing, I have gotten calls from maybe two collectors and I immediately gave them my case number etc. But still, my wounds are fresh, and the feeling is still real, I'm sure it will pass with time.
          Chapter 7 Filed: 04/21/2011, 341 Meeting: 05/31/2011, Report of No Distrubution: 06/02/2011, Discharged: 08/03/2011, Closed: 08/10/11


            Actually, I never did. During the time the creditors were calling, I just let me machine pick it up. If I heard a voice I wanted to talk to , I grabbed it. Then I got caller id, made it easier to answer. I will now be canceling the caller id, saving myself 10.00 a month and taking my internet/phone back to about 36.00 a month instead of 46.00. I figure that's money I can put in savings!
            Filed CH 7 4/15/11
            341 5/23/11
            DISCHARGED & CLOSED ON 7/27/11



              I totally hear you! My anxiety still kicks in when I see a number I don't recognize - even though my discharge will be 6 months old at the end of the month!

              Here's to hoping that this too shall pass!
              Filed Ch 7 Sept '10, 341 Meeting Oct '10, Discharged Dec '10, Case Closed Jan '11

              EQ 2/8/11 - 584, 6/2/11 - 677


                PHH sent us a robo call a few weeks ago stating they have a message for us. I called them and told them if they have a message to mail it to me and don’t call again. I have not heard or seen anything since that call but after we had been discharged I am not as nice on the phone with them as I normally would be.


                  My phone rang non-stop from the summer of '08 to the summer of '09, which is when I retained my attorney. The phone calls pretty much stopped at that point.

                  It has been a year now, and my case was closed about two weeks ago, but still, the memory of those phone calls upsets me and I keep checking Pacer even though there's no logical reason.

                  I still have this nagging feeling that some creditor, somewhere, somehow, is gonna GIT me... LOL.

                  Only half serious there, but yeah, when I see an unrecognized number calling, I don't pick up out of fear. This morning I got an unrecognized call and let it go to voicemail; it turned out to be a Bright House customer survey.

                  I hope with time that I'll stop checking Pacer to see if someone is out to get me even though the case has been discharged and closed, LOL.


                    It's not so much the phone for me anymore, since I've had a case number, but it's the mail. All of 2009, and until November 2010, I was swamped with mail from creditors, collection agencies, and assorted law offices. Then about a month ago, I received a letter with the return address of a law firm that I didn't recognize. I felt that familiar twinge of anxiety, and my first thought was: I wonder who's suing me now?! Turned out it was one of my customers who had a question. He was just using his work address. :-)


                      I was discharged about a year ago, but I still get a knot in my stomach when an 800 number, a private number, or a number that I don't recognize pops up on my phone. If the caller leaves a voicemail, I have to psych myself up to call and listen. I also still keep my phone on silent. I think I have PTSD!


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