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Starting to feel very frustrated....

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    Starting to feel very frustrated....

    It seems that anything and everything that can come up while trying to save for an attorney has.

    We had a couple vet bills. $$.

    Hubby got bronchitis. Doctor co-pay plus medication. $$.

    It seems every week it's been *something*.

    Trying to save the rest of the expensive attorney's fees just isn't happening.

    (I've posted a few times about the going rate for a Ch. 7 here, in the range of $2400-$3000)

    We're now about 4 months of not paying the CC's.

    We've talked about it, and even though we originally wanted to file by June, we will probably just wait until our hand is forced and we HAVE to file. I'm hoping that we're one of the "lucky one's" that can go almost a year without being sued.

    So, that brings me to a question. We're in TX where they can't garnish. What would happen if they sue and we don't file right away?

    If you are taken to court just make payment arranges with the attorney/creditor handling your case. Most times they will be very willing to work with folks. Just agree to make the smallest payment possible before you file for BK. You probably don't want to mention to the creditor/attorney you're planning on filing BK though.
    The information provided is not, and should not be considered legal advice. All information provided is only informational and should be verified by a law practioner whenever possible. When confronted with legal issues contact an experienced attorney in your state who specializes in the area of law most directly called into question by your particular situation.


      I wish I had advice but I can just sympathize. I'm having the same problem. 2 months going on three on one card and the rest will be two months behind next month. Our dryer broke. I've been hanging clothes but it always seems to rain when it's my day off and I have the time. Our AC is broke. Something that didn't bother us this winter living in Florida but it's already getting back up into 80's. If it's not one thing it's another. I wanted to file in May probably looking at end of summer now I hope I have enough time for that before a creditor decides to take any action.

      Wish you the best.


        How many attorneys have you interviewed, JEM? Maybe we just got lucky, but the attorney we are going with asks for about 1/2 up front and then will file & move forward with the case while accepting monthly payments until it's paid off. We're actually going to pay in full, up front, because we got a large tax refund, but it's nice to know he is willing to do that and maybe gives hope that you could fine one that does as well? (since we're in the same general area)
        Worst case though, even if you do have to wait, it sure sounds like there are many people who have waited 6 months, a year, even more, and avoided lawsuits. Hang in there!


          Originally posted by Overmihead View Post
          How many attorneys have you interviewed, JEM? Maybe we just got lucky, but the attorney we are going with asks for about 1/2 up front and then will file & move forward with the case while accepting monthly payments until it's paid off. We're actually going to pay in full, up front, because we got a large tax refund, but it's nice to know he is willing to do that and maybe gives hope that you could fine one that does as well? (since we're in the same general area)
          Worst case though, even if you do have to wait, it sure sounds like there are many people who have waited 6 months, a year, even more, and avoided lawsuits. Hang in there!

          *Sigh* 4 attorneys. 2 of them of wanted $1000 as a retainer and the remaining $1800 paid within 60 days. WTH?

          The other 2 wanted $500 as a retainer I believe. Would have to check my paperwork. Which is more realistic as a retainer I guess, but I think they had a very short time limit (Like 90 days) in paying the remainder. I wonder if there's a reason for that?

          I plan to interview some more attorney's, but I keep dragging my feet because I don't want to be frustrated again.


            Wow. The retainers around me are around $300 to $500.
            I am not an attorney and any advice given is simply opinion based on my personal experiences. Always ask an attorney before making legal decisions.


              Mine was $500 retainer and $1500 in 30 days. It was a stretch, but so well worth it now!


                The attorney I signed with today after consulting 5 was for $4500 to do chapter 7. $1500 to retain and $500 a month until paid in full. These attorneys are in SoCal. The firm I am using seemed the most professional and gave my a consult that lasted 1hr 45 minutes. We shall see from here.
                Filed 7 - 7/8/10, 341 - 8/17/10 - Continued, Presumption of Abuse Filed - 8/27/10
                Report of No Distribution 9/27/10. Discharged 2/7/11 Closed 02/25/1
                10/12 EXP. 681


                  Originally posted by JEM View Post
                  *Sigh* 4 attorneys. 2 of them of wanted $1000 as a retainer and the remaining $1800 paid within 60 days. WTH?

                  The other 2 wanted $500 as a retainer I believe. Would have to check my paperwork. Which is more realistic as a retainer I guess, but I think they had a very short time limit (Like 90 days) in paying the remainder. I wonder if there's a reason for that?
                  They want to make sure you pay before they do too much work. Nobody likes to work for free.
                  LadyInTheRed is in the black!
                  Filed Chap 13 April 2010. Discharged May 2015.
                  $143,000 in debt discharged for $36,500, including attorneys fees. Money well spent!


                    Originally posted by screentest View Post
                    The attorney I signed with today after consulting 5 was for $4500 to do chapter 7. $1500 to retain and $500 a month until paid in full. These attorneys are in SoCal. The firm I am using seemed the most professional and gave my a consult that lasted 1hr 45 minutes. We shall see from here.
                    Ya, I guess if they didn't have such a short time limit to pay the remainder, that would work better.

                    Chase called my MIL tonight looking for me. We're not going to be able to "hide it" much longer from family. I did NOT want the IL's to find out. They are gossipy and can be pretty judgmental. I don't want to deal with THEM on top of everything else.

                    We really need to at least retain an attorney to stop the calls.

                    Hubby thinks his company will be hiring some new employees which means he'll get some extra training pay. It'll help us save faster for an attorney, but might also put us right over the median. So, it's a trade off.


                      Wow! Sorry to hear your frustrations folks....I paid $1300 total for CH7....the upside is that I would not worry about creditor action right now....they are sooo swamped they will likely not be able/willing to sue you in time for anything significant to happen. Obviously, just stop paying anything unnecessary/unsecured, pay your atty, you'll be fine. Can't squeeze blood from a turnip!!!!
                      Filed Chapter 7 08/06/09, unsecured debt of $109,000
                      341 Meeting 09/09/09
                      Discharged 11/12/09
                      Closed 12/14/09


                        you should try to google "free legal" in your area. Much like going to a dental college or what have you, you will get a wet behind the ears lawyer, but you can rest assured they at least graduated law school. In most cases you have to prove "hardship", but your circumstances sound plausible. While you may still have to do most of the footwork, I would find it less scary than trying to file without an attorney. And you can always check his work here by asking the forum.
                        03/25/10: filed BK13, 05/05/10: 341 completed,
                        06/24/10: confirmed (7% to unsecured)


                          Originally posted by Amadan View Post
                          you should try to google "free legal" in your area. Much like going to a dental college or what have you, you will get a wet behind the ears lawyer, but you can rest assured they at least graduated law school. In most cases you have to prove "hardship", but your circumstances sound plausible. While you may still have to do most of the footwork, I would find it less scary than trying to file without an attorney. And you can always check his work here by asking the forum.

                          I think in our case, it's just been "bad luck". Murphey's Law if you will. When trying to save for something, anything and everything that can come up, does. I'd guess I'd feel like there were people in need of that free legal more than us.

                          I'm hoping that we'll catch a break soon and just get back on track with our "lawyer fund".

                          I lost my PT income in late November when my employer stopped giving me hours because I couldn't change my hours to something I wasn't available to work, in the end I had to quit. So, even though it was just PT, it ended up being more of a financial adjustment then we thought it would be.

                          It'll work out in the end. It's just getting there that's giving me gray hairs. LOL.


                            Be thankful you didn't have all that and be stuck locked into a 13. It will all work itself out, it is just Uncle Murph in action.
                            First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


                              Originally posted by flyinbroke View Post
                              Be thankful you didn't have all that and be stuck locked into a 13. It will all work itself out, it is just Uncle Murph in action.
                              Oh, I know! I have to admit, I am a little nervous about hubby getting some training pay because I fear it may put us over the median by a tad. We've been teetering right over/under it back and forth because some weeks he's been getting more OT.


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