Good Afternoon,
I have read through a lot of posts and find them all so helpful. This is exactly the support I need right now.
My husband and I are both 24 years old and got married 4 years ago. We have had to use credit cards to make ends meet and now have found ourselves $24,000 in debt. Our son was born about six months ago, and I have since been unemployed.
We stopped making our cc payments about two weeks ago and I have been on edge ever since and been through every emotion in the book. This is really a scary process.
We are contacting an attorney on Monday to get things started. We don't really have any assets. We live in Florida and our house is mortgaged with almost no equity, and we owe more on both of our vehicles than they are worth. From what I have read I understand that we will be able to continue to pay on our house and cars and keep them after bankruptcy. Am I correct in this?
I am just so nervous and scared. I really appreciate all of the information and helpful people I have found in this forum.
I have read through a lot of posts and find them all so helpful. This is exactly the support I need right now.
My husband and I are both 24 years old and got married 4 years ago. We have had to use credit cards to make ends meet and now have found ourselves $24,000 in debt. Our son was born about six months ago, and I have since been unemployed.
We stopped making our cc payments about two weeks ago and I have been on edge ever since and been through every emotion in the book. This is really a scary process.
We are contacting an attorney on Monday to get things started. We don't really have any assets. We live in Florida and our house is mortgaged with almost no equity, and we owe more on both of our vehicles than they are worth. From what I have read I understand that we will be able to continue to pay on our house and cars and keep them after bankruptcy. Am I correct in this?
I am just so nervous and scared. I really appreciate all of the information and helpful people I have found in this forum.
