Let me preface this by saying very clearly, I have no intention of racking up ANY bad debt in the future. However, I do want to buy a decent house in 3 years or so. I am willing to borrow on a reasonable house, but not much else. I have learned my lesson, and will be paying the price for years. My wife and I recently "completed" a chapter 7 BK. We have been discharged and the case is fully closed! However, we are still living in "our" house until mid January. (1/6/10 sale date) Now that we are discharged and our case is fully close my credit score is 560. What do I need to do, and how long will it take to get it to a decent credit score. Again, I am in no hurry, just trying to get ready to buy a house in a few years. We walked away from a $530K mortgage that is now worth $350K, $120K in credit cards and $1,200 per month in auto loans/leases. We are looking at rentals that are 1/3 the cost of my former mortgage, have 2 vehicles we paid cash for (nothing to write home about, but reliable transportation!), and no CC's! Long story short, what do I need to do to get my 560 score to 700 plus and how long will it take? FWIW - I would ask my lawyer, but he is "hard to reach" now that my case is closed! No problem. He did a good job, but operates what I'll call a bankruptcy factory! His firm has doubled in size in less than 1 year! At least someone is making money!
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
