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DV = Debt Validation. Common Abbreviation in the "professional debtor" game. When a collection agency sends you a notice, you have the right under the FDCPA (Faid Debt Collection Practices Act) to request a validation of the debt.
OC = Original creditor. Again, used more in the collection context to distinguish between the original lender and a collection agency or debt buyer (JDB = Junk Debt Buyer).
AAoA = Average Age of Accounts
AG = Attorney General
APR = Annual Percentage Rate
AR = Account Review
AU = Authorized User
BADDIE = Any negative or derogatory item on your report
BBB = Better Business Bureau
BK = Bankruptcy
BT = Balance Transfer
BTW = By the way
BUMP = Used by someone when they are looking for an answer to the thread, but have not received one yet
CA = Collection Agency
CBR - Credit Bureau Report
CC = Credit Card
CCC = Credit Card Company
CCCS = Consumer Credit Counseling Services
CFL = Consumer Finance Loan
CL = Credit Limit
CLD = Credit Line Decrease
CLI = Credit Line Increase
CMRRR = Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested
CO = Charge Off
CRA = Credit Reporting Agency ( TransUnion, Equifax, Experian)
CRO = Credit Repair Organization
CRTP = Credit Reporting Time Period
CS = Customer Service or CreditSecure(R) (depends on context)
CSR = Customer Service Representative
DD = Dear Daughter
Derog = Derogatory
DH = Dear Husband
DMP = Debt Management Program
DOFD = Date of First Delinquency
DOLA = Date of Last Activity
DS = Dear Son
DTI = Debt to Income
DV = Debt Validation
DW = Dear Wife
EQ (also EFX) = Equifax
EX (also EXP, XPN) = Experian
FA = Fraud Alert
FAKO = Generic credit score, not a true FICO
FC = Foreclosure
FCRA = Fair Credit Reporting Act
FDCPA = Fair Debt Collections Practices Act
FI = Fair Isaac
FR = Financial Review
FWIW = For What It's Worth
GC = Green Card from Certified Mail
GL = Good Luck
GW = Good Will
HELOC = Home Equity Line of Credit
HIPAA = Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HTH = Hope This Helps
IIB = Included in Bankruptcy
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
INQ = Inquiry
ITS = Intend to Sue
JDB = Junk Debt Buyer
JK = Just Kidding
JMHO = Just My Humble Opinion
JMO = Just My Opinion
LOC = Line of Credit
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
LTV = Loan to Value
OC = Original Collector or Original Creditor
OP = Original Poster or Original Post
MOV = Method of Validation
OT = Off Topic
PFB = Planet Feedback
PFD = Pay For Delete
PIF = Pay in Full
PL = Personal Loan
PM = Private Message
PP = Permissible Purpose
RECON = Reconsideration
SOCK DRAWER = Where you put CC's that you won't be using for a while
SOL = Statute of limitations
RTC101T= Read the Credit 101 Thread
SW = ScoreWatch
TC = TrueCredit
TD = Turned Down
TL = Tradeline.. An entry in your credit history.
TU = TransUnion
UTL, UTIL = Utilization of debt to credit line
WO = Write Off
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
Filed Ch7 BK 7/27/09
341 Hearing 9/10/09 All Went Smoothly
Last Day For Objections 11/09/09
Discharged and Closed 11/12/09
If I knew it all, would I be here??Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.
Good grief!! I missed this when I started out. For those who are new to this.......
read all the stickies, and threads, FIRST before you jump in here. I misunderstood the take on some of the opinions of trustees, etc., and I was so frustated with the abbreviations. I was very nervous to start with. Anyways, I LOVE the list of abbreviations!!!! It will keep newbies from getting b- - - - - - out...lolololo for complaining that we hate abbreviations (or what the heck they mean)!!
(first 341 10/14/09, cont'd 341 10/23/09) (12/14/09 last day to object) (341 Shows HELD w/tt report of no distribution 1/9/2010) :clapping Discharged 1/25/2010 Case Closed 3/11/2010:D
Thank you thank you for making this a sticky!! I did ask about whether to start a sticky about these abbreviations from the suggestion thread at the beginning when I first visited the forum. I was so confused with some of the abbreviations. Anyway glad this sticky is here!
Chapter 13 filer since Feb. 2018 under a 60 months payment plan Please think positive and do not give up!