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How do you get passed not having CC's to fall back on?

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    How do you get passed not having CC's to fall back on?

    We have horrible credit but even by making the minimum payments we have always had a small amount available on the cards to use if we had an emergency or needed food or something. So now that we are no longer using the cards we are starting to wonder what we are going to do once this is all done. We will have about $600 a month left for food and gas after all the remaining bills are paid which should be fine but I wonder about small emergencies and such. This is why part of me says to get rid of our vehicle loans but then we need dependable cars to get to work and school and we have about a year left to pay.

    What is your plan to deal with emergencies and extras that are above what you normally need?

    I put some money on a prepaid debit card and put the card away, only to be used for an emergency. I declared the money in my exemptions, but if it is in my bank account I am more likely to spend it than if it is on a prepaid debit card tucked away. I first did this when I was afraid that collectors were going to levy my bank account (before I filed for bankruptcy), but I like the feeling of having that card tucked away, so I am going to keep the prepaid debit as part of my post bankruptcy habits.
    You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone. ~~Nate, Six Feet Under


      Have you stopped paying all debt you wish to discharge?
      Is it possible to raise your income with a pt or weekend job?


        I started saving right away. Put 10% away in the savings acct before I pay anything else. Also, having a written budget and a savings account both give you peace of mind - and a plan. Much better than having a credit card.

        Look at your budget and track what you spend on food and other items. Usually you can cut back in the budget easily. And keepmine is right, if the funds are not there, another pt job can fill in the gaps.
        Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
        Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

        I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


          StartingOver is right on the money with this one. Start saving money! Without all of those payments to make, you have the ability to save money. However.... if you just factor all of that money into your budget, you'll never save.

          Save first!
          All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
          Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


            backtoschool- I looked into the prepaid cards and they charge $5.95 a month fee on them, have you found one that is less? (for the rechargeable ones).

            I have tried to go back to work but my child is disabled so it has to be during school hours or the weekend and I am having a hard time. If I get a job tomorrow is that going to mess up the BK since we have more money coming in? I doubt I will find one that soon but you never know.

            Our debt is so bad that we paid out more than we made so even with the CC taken out of the picture we are left with $600 a month for food and gas. I am paying double payments to catch up the stuff I want to reaffirm but after 11/09 we will be back to the $600 and hopefully I can find a job or save some of what we are getting.


              What are you keeping? If you have filed BK and still have no money then you have two problems: 1) not enough income and 2) you are keeping too much debt.

              Rework your budget first.
              Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
              Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

              I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


                You firsy have to come to the realization that the credit cards are what have you in the position you are in. You have to make a budget and stick to it. Begining to save is a must.


                  Originally posted by adviceplease View Post
                  backtoschool- I looked into the prepaid cards and they charge $5.95 a month fee on them, have you found one that is less? (for the rechargeable ones).

                  I have tried to go back to work but my child is disabled so it has to be during school hours or the weekend and I am having a hard time. If I get a job tomorrow is that going to mess up the BK since we have more money coming in? I doubt I will find one that soon but you never know.

                  Our debt is so bad that we paid out more than we made so even with the CC taken out of the picture we are left with $600 a month for food and gas. I am paying double payments to catch up the stuff I want to reaffirm but after 11/09 we will be back to the $600 and hopefully I can find a job or save some of what we are getting.

                  Have you thought about substitute teaching? It's great because you could keep the same hours as your child's school schedule. You only work the days you want to work, so there's plenty of flexibility and a great way to earn extra income. You could set up an account with direct deposit and just let the paychecks collect in there, untouched until you need it. If you start the process now, it takes a few weeks to get through all the paperwork and background check. Just criminal background check, not credit ;-)


                    I think working extra and saving a good emergency stash is a way to do it.


                      That budgeting in 10% of your pay for savings sounds like a great idea to me!
                      Filed Chapter 7 08/06/09, unsecured debt of $109,000
                      341 Meeting 09/09/09
                      Discharged 11/12/09
                      Closed 12/14/09


                        Originally posted by adviceplease View Post
                        backtoschool- I looked into the prepaid cards and they charge $5.95 a month fee on them, have you found one that is less? (for the rechargeable ones).

                        I have tried to go back to work but my child is disabled so it has to be during school hours or the weekend and I am having a hard time. If I get a job tomorrow is that going to mess up the BK since we have more money coming in? I doubt I will find one that soon but you never know.

                        Our debt is so bad that we paid out more than we made so even with the CC taken out of the picture we are left with $600 a month for food and gas. I am paying double payments to catch up the stuff I want to reaffirm but after 11/09 we will be back to the $600 and hopefully I can find a job or save some of what we are getting.
                        I got mine through AAA. It's called a "travel card", but it is a visa prepaid debit, and it is refillable. There is only the initial $5.00 fee to buy it and no monthly fees. You can put up to $10,000 on it and you can refill it at any AAA office or online.
                        You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone. ~~Nate, Six Feet Under


                          Originally posted by backtoschool View Post
                          I got mine through AAA. It's called a "travel card", but it is a visa prepaid debit, and it is refillable. There is only the initial $5.00 fee to buy it and no monthly fees. You can put up to $10,000 on it and you can refill it at any AAA office or online.
                          I second the AAA one. It is the best deal around, IMO.
                          No monthly fees, no charge to reload in person, hardly no charges of any kind except the initial purchase fee (and you can get 4 cards linked to the same account). You do not have to be a AAA member to buy one, just find a local AAA office.
                          Filed CH13 - 06/2009
                          Confirmed - 01/2010


                            You have to budget, and in that budget you must save money for emergencies. That is the only way. It can be a difficult transition but once you are on the path you can find it easy. I would suggest saving at least 10%.
                            May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
                            July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
                            September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


                              To help me budget, I keep ALL receipts for everything I spend money on which makes me more aware of where my money goes. Having a budget helps also because you need to have some kind of plan. Saving at least 10% off the top is a great idea but you have to get into the habit of paying yourself first which will make saving easier.

                              Thanks for the information on the AAA card guys, that's a great idea. I never knew they offered a card like that.
                              Filed Chapter 7 (Primarily Business Expenses) 04/10/2008 FICO 468 :cry:
                              341 on 05/06/08:unsure:House appraisal on day 63:blink: 07/10/2008 Discharged-Asset Case!!!:yahoo:08/09 Transu 559, Equifax 636, Experian 647
                              Case Closed 07/15/2009 :D:yahoo:


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