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A new development - soliciting opinions :)

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    A new development - soliciting opinions :)


    I was planning on filing bk sometime in July, but something has changed that has caused me to rethink the situation. I am pregnant.

    This was not planned, but it is most definitely wanted. Our last pregnancy ended in the stillbirth of our son at 37 weeks. I was wanting to have more time before I decided to try again (he passed away Jan. 2008), but I guess God has other plans.

    Now, what to do? I am more inclined to wait now until after the baby is born before filing. But then, there's the idea of going ahead and getting it over with and not stressing about it for the rest of my pregnancy. I need peace - this pregnancy will be a hard one for me, full of memories of loss. Waiting until after the birth will put me at about a year since I stopped paying the cc's.

    The cc's calls already go automatically to voice mail, so they don't bother me very much. It is possible for me to make it through without stress, I believe, unless one of them decides to sue me.

    I'm not looking for anyone to make this decision for me, I'm just looking for your opinions on what you would do and why.

    Thanks for listening.
    Lying awake at night...
    Waiting to file...
    Roughly $34,000 in credit card debt

    God love you!!!! HUGGSS and KISSES!! Congratulations! I will be sending a PM shortly
    "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

    "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


      Thats a tough one, but dont stress either way, its never worth it.
      Congrats on the baby! My baby is turning 21 next week



        I'm truly sorry for the loss of your son in Jan 2008. Yes, God had other plans for you and it is wise to 'rethink' filing Bankruptcy in July. First off, your precious baby will not be born until 2010. If you have medical insurance, most plans begin a New $$ deductible and out-of-pocket expenses. So, if your insurance is on a calendar year, then you will incur other medical bills.

        In my opinion, God is giving you Peace by your pregnancy. Please, try to accept it. Your 'mindset' Now is to focus on your health. Maybe it's time to find something to eliminate your Stress because of the loss of your Son and impeding Bankruptcy. Yoga, childbirth & newborn classes are what comes to my mind. I find reading relaxes me. Only problem is I'm a fast reader and it is 50 so or more in miles to a used book store. I've bought every book and Bible version Dollar General has in stock.

        I'm going to give a few examples of my life. We were supposed to file this Dec. or Jan. at the request of our Bankruptcy Attorney. Finding this forum taught me some monies I was receiving was deemed income & would put us over the Median. He just glanced at our income.

        God had other plans for us too. Breast cancer is very predominate in my family and I had a third biopsy in Feb. At the same time, My onocologist saw a funny looking mole in between my collar bone & breast. She did a 'punch' biopsy the same day with one stitch. Breast Center calls to tell me No Breast Cancer. Aw, I thought I was home free. Nope, Skin Cancer which I had surgery middle of March. O, I've had 7 surgeries since 5/1/05. It all began with a car accident 3/14/05.

        April 8th of this year, I almost lost my husband as his blood pressure had bottomed out. Wasn't getting enough oxygen to his brain & his organs were shutting down. Spent a week in the hospital & 2 1/2 weeks convalescing at home. It was a 34 mile roundtrip drive to the hospital every day. I'm a 100% disabled. One day, I might need a Cane, Walker or Scooter to walk to his room. My Mindset was only focused on my DH.

        We stopped paying our Credit Cards late last Sept. except for 1 as I had a $3,500 balance transfer in Aug. BK Atty says pay 3 mths. min. pymts & try to add some $$ each month.

        Being disabled I'm home 24/7 98% of the time. I only drive to my doctors, the local bank and grocery store. O Wait, yea Dollar General as we live in a small town of around 2,500 people. Yes, I've spoken to each credit card company twice & Attorney's info given. Yes, we have Collection agencies calling and sending threatening letters by first class mail only. Attorney told me not to answer the phone, unless we knew who was calling.

        Caller ID shows a cell phone in an Area Code where hubby has an Uncle who calls him on his cell phone. Grrr, was NCO Financial. When I found out who it was, the first thing I said is 'this call is being recorded'..she never said so on the other end. This credit card she was attempting to collect is in my Name Only. Only income I receive is SSD of which Attorney told me SSD is 'untouchable' by anyone & I told her that. She went on a Rant. All I remember was an 'Asset' something. I finally said Stop! She shutup. I gave her my Attorney's name & phone number. She wouldn't take his address. I had her repeat his name & # and I hung up!

        At the beginning, It was very Stressful for me. I tried CCCS & the agent told us we needed a BK Atty. At that time, I didn't know the difference between a 7,11,13 or 20 Bankruptcy. DH found this forum. I began reading, reading posts, using the Search button and asking questions. Just reading MSNBC made me mad at All CCs.

        I've spent countless hours on the Internet documenting every piece of furniture in our home for our Asset list. Our Attorney's packet included a request of the date CC was opened. Any purchases over $600 had to be documented with date, amount & what we bought. All balances transfers had to be documented also. Jeezel Pete, that took me over 2 1/2 weeks to compile. I had CC Statements spread all over our office and the dining room table.

        I had robbed Peter to pay Paul by balance transfers for better interest rates and had paid off around 5-6 CCs'. It was a nightmare figure out what debit side of a BT on one CC matched the credit side on another CC. Umph, while doing such on each CC, I decided to do Spreadsheets with purchases, BT versus payments we made. I had more than paid each CC the total amount and what I thought was a fair amount in finance charges.

        We are not filing until 9/09 as those monies dropped off in Feb. and we will using 3/09-8/09 Income. Since 2005, our tax returns show between $10,000-$15,000 in out of pocket medical expenses which includes our prescriptions. Speaking of those, right now, they are running $500 a month.

        I don't like the phone calls and all the voicemalls. Our phone flash when we have a voicemail. However, I threw my Stress out the window in December. I truly believe God gives us roadblocks. We can run head on & our lives will be miserable Or we can go around those roadblocks. Doesn't mean we have to rid ourselves of all the roadblocks at a specific time.

        Our roadblocks right now is our Credit Card Debt as we are current on our house payments and DH's truck payment. My 1999 Toyota Van with 97,000 miles on it is paid for.

        I'm sure your roadblocks are also Credit Card Debt and possibly other debt. Doesn't matter. Those debts are not going anywhere. They will be there after the birth of your child. Yes, you may possibly have a lawsuit filed to garnish wages or for whatever. Our Attorney reassured DH and I, he would be able to delay those lawsuits until we file. I'm sure your Attorney will be able to do the same.

        Oh Me! This turned into a 2 hour post LOL! Again, Congratulations!



          It wasn't me, is my first response.

          Congratulations on the new development. If you can stave off the Bankruptcy, then do so. The closer you get to delivery, and I praying that you do this time (), the easier I hope it is with your Bankruptcy.

          If the household size doesn't affect your Chapter 7, then file when you're ready. I can't have a baby (I'm a guy), so I don't want to make or even suggest what you should do with the Bankruptcy. My thoughts are -- as a guy -- to file now and just get it over with, so you have that off your shoulders and can concentrate on being a Mom.

          See, in two paragraphs I already contradicted myself... so... don't listen to me!
          Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
          Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
          Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

          Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


            First of all CONGRATS on being preggo!

            I am so sorry for the loss of your son.
            I miscarried with my second pregnancy, I know it is a very hard loss to deal with.

            If you are all set to file and don't expect any unexpected medical bills from lack of health coverage, if it were me, I would probably file. Just to get it over with and have that fresh start and just thoroughly enjoy that pregnancy , especially the later months where you are a bit more tired and in that nesting stage.
            I would just worry about having to deal with the dang creditors and dealing with potential lawsuits.
            I don't think anybody would have wanted to face me in a lawsuit in my latter part of my pregnancy ( first of all I would have threatened to sit on them, that would have scared them off right away! Damn frozen yogurt and ice cream!)
            If the creditor/worry about lawsuits doesn't bother you , then waiting may give you a little extra protection if you have any unexpected bills in the interim.

            You can BK any judgements anyway so it isn't a huge issue, just may thwart some hassle before the baby arrives.

            Make a little pro/con list and think of all the potentials that may come up and if the pros of filing sooner outweigh the cons of filing later, ( or vice versa) than you have your answer.

            Maybe you can pay your lawyer now but file later that way he can take calls from creditors for you and you don't have the deal with the weenie creditors. So you can kind of have the best of both worlds.

            Congrats again! How exciting.


              Congratulations on your wonderful news. Sending vibes of health and goodwill your way!
              over $100K cc debt,$20K taxes,$332K mortgages/value $190K,surrendered
              Confirmed, $801/month 56 down,4 to go


                I want to thank ALL of you for your wonderful words of encouragement! Isn't it amazing to feel so warmly about people you've never even met?!

                Anyway, I just wanted to say, I haven't made a decision yet. One thing that is holding me up, is that I am waiting for a loan mod on our mortgage, so even that could take as long as being pregnant! But, I will let you guys know!

                Again, thank you everyone....for caring
                Lying awake at night...
                Waiting to file...
                Roughly $34,000 in credit card debt


                  Congratulations on your new baby! What a wonderful blessing for you!

                  As to your BK, I suggest considering waiting to file... you then can increase your family size as well as include any potential out of pocket medical expenses.

                  Good luck!


                    Bless you and your family!!! My Dad used to say "just remember they can't eat you", but some days it feels as though the wolves are truly at the door. This forum is a place of comfort, just knowing there are others who understand and are willing to share. Whatever it takes for you to concentrate, and relax so the stress doesn't affect your little one, is what I hope for you and your family!


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