I am 1 1/2 months behind on my Mortage. But its now starting to get caught up and will be soon. I am very worried though that any day I will be foreclosed on. Before your lender does this do you usually get a warning? Possibly a pay us this amount or else? I was hoping I would, so far they just send statements saying I owe a past due amount and nothing else.
My biggest fear is anyday I could be forclosed on and we will be out in the street? If I had some warning I might be able to borrow from my parents as a last resort.
Also if it does go in forclosure is that it, or can you still catch up before the end date and get back on track?
My biggest fear is anyday I could be forclosed on and we will be out in the street? If I had some warning I might be able to borrow from my parents as a last resort.
Also if it does go in forclosure is that it, or can you still catch up before the end date and get back on track?