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Credit Card free Xmas

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    Credit Card free Xmas

    Anyone else relieved to now be living CC free?

    We filed a 13 in October 05, and are in a 5 year plan.

    This is our 3rd credit card free xmas, and I've gotta admit, it feels pretty darn good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No more shocking Jan cc statements.

    Anyone else?
    You can't have your cake and eat it too. But you can dip your finger in the bowl and lick the icing

    This is our 3rd CC free Christmas, and each year we love it more. We start allocating a bit from each paycheck starting in September.

    Our list has grown smaller, and guess what folks--not one person has told us that they love us less because our gifts aren't as fancy schmancy as they used to be.
    Filed 07/07, $120k unsecured debt
    Plan: $400 (includes cram down) 60 months
    Brilliant attorney, decent trustee, awesome plan


      I know.......isn't it amazing when you finally realize that no matter how much you spend, xmas still comes and goes and the world doesn't come to a screeching halt just because you aren't buying out the stores anymore?
      Such a good feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      You can't have your cake and eat it too. But you can dip your finger in the bowl and lick the icing


        I didn't charge anything this Christmas or last! (though I am a grinch and don't buy many gifts these days!) But it feels great!!
        Chapter 7 Pro Se....Discharged Feb. 2006


          About the third year for me as well. Yes, it feels great!
          [links deleted by moderator]


            This is the first Christmas ever that I didn't use a credit card. I was amazed that we managed and the kids said it was the best Christmas ever.


              Me too...this was our first no credit Christmas in 10 years. It feels great. I saved starting in August for Christmas. I wonder if the trustee is going to want to know where that savings went...............hummmm
              Filed!!04/23/2008[X] 341 5/27/2008[X]Converted to asset case 5/26/2008 [X]
              DISCHARGE 08/12/2008[X]
              Converted to NO Asset case 12/15/2008[X]
              Closed 12/16/2008 [X]:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


                This was my first CC free Christmas. I filed for CH 13 in September 07. I thought it was going to be pretty horrible, but we made it through, and all is well! I am absolutely broke at the moment (less than $100 to my name) but get paid tomorrow, so that's fine and dandy. I have my car insurance payment due the 18th of January, so still will have a very tight January, but not nearly as bad as it could have been. I might pay that off over 2 months instead of all in one shot (it's almost $300, which will leave us with a ramen noodle and mac&cheese month if I pay it all off) but I just hate the fact that Allstate charges $3.50 extra for splitting the bill up (so if I paid it monthly instead of 2x a year, they get an extra $35!). I know, it's nothing compared to the interest payments I used to make on my mountains of debt, but for whatever weird reason, it bothers me. Happy Holidays!
                Filed CH 13 September 17, 2007
                Plan Modified July 8, 2009 from $1100/month to $400/month due to change in income, finally discharged in July of 2013!


                  If you have almost $100 bucks the day before payday........I say LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Happy Holidays!
                  You can't have your cake and eat it too. But you can dip your finger in the bowl and lick the icing


                    My first one in a long time too! It is so much more fun to shop knowing that you can afford what you are buying and won't have to dread the consequences later.
                    10/25/2007 Aha! moment
                    11/19/2007 Filed Ch.7
                    12/19/2007 341 hearing
                    02/17/2008 Deadline for objections! tick tick tick ...


                      for us we have not filed but did not use a cc this christmas and it feels good but strange. it was weird not buying the kids everything they wanted but that was part of what got us in trouble in the first place. the kids did not notice and had a great christmas and we have no bills to pay next month so it was a win win situation.
                      Chp 7 Filled 2-21-08
                      341 Hearing 3-24-08


                        Yay! This is my first credit card free Christmas!
                        10/12/2007 Filed Chapter 711/08/2007 341 Meeting 01/07/2008 Last Day for Objections


                          This is our 3rd Christmas without credit cards. I love it!!!
                          sigpicPersevere: "To continue a course of action, in spite of difficulty, opposition or discouragement."

                          Chapter 13: Discharged 03/15/2010. Closed 05/19/2010::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


                            1st cc free xmas as well. We only bought for the kids (8y.0) and our parents. Kids still believe in santa so we didnt want to let them down. Me, I dont need anything anyway. I agree it is nice knowing that no debt was created on this xmas day.

                            Hoping a cc free new year to all.
                            pa308 (equifax fico 6-21 471) 594 on 3-09 671 7-09
                            filed ch7 6-12
                            341 7-25
                            Discharged and closed 9-24


                              This is our third xmas not using credit too. We were talking on Xmas day about how much more we enjoy the holidays now. So much less pressure to be out looking for "one more present" up to the last minute and so much more attention is paid to what we do purchase.

                              Within our family we exchange just one or two presents now, but the gifts we give and get are all so thoughtful and special. I wish it hadn't taken bankruptcy to open our eyes to this special joy - another unexpected and precious gift from our Ch 13.
                              I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

                              06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
                              06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
                              07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
                              10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
                              01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
                              09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
                              06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
                              08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

                              10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
                              Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


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