Well...kind of all of the above.
Before I got married...I had perfect credit. Then I got married and he was TERRIBLE with finances and spent all our money and then some. So we were in the hole at that point. But then I divorced him and became a single mother trying to raise two kids and live on my own...so I wasn't able to catch up on the credit card bills. Oh and he was awarded the house in the divorce and let it be foreclosed on in my name...because he never refinanced the mortgage into his name like he was supposed to.
Then I started having medical problems so I have medical bills. And then there was a lot of things that happened and it has ended up that I've been unemployed since 2007 and am now a full-time student.
So...kinda all of the above.
Before I got married...I had perfect credit. Then I got married and he was TERRIBLE with finances and spent all our money and then some. So we were in the hole at that point. But then I divorced him and became a single mother trying to raise two kids and live on my own...so I wasn't able to catch up on the credit card bills. Oh and he was awarded the house in the divorce and let it be foreclosed on in my name...because he never refinanced the mortgage into his name like he was supposed to.
Then I started having medical problems so I have medical bills. And then there was a lot of things that happened and it has ended up that I've been unemployed since 2007 and am now a full-time student.
So...kinda all of the above.
