Well its been awhile since ive been active. I arrived here with a desperate outlook, got educated by the excellent community (looking at you justbroke ;) , and left for a while to fight my battles.
Well during that time, i have been battling a civil suit. Got educated on how to do discovery, writing briefs, etc. Read up a ton at the local law libraries, and honestly feel i received a legal education just by sparing in the arena.
In the backdrop I was on the verge of eviction every month and depended on the promises of the california gov to pay everyone's back rent 100% ... which they did!! So I remained housed throughout thank God (seriously, thanks GOD), but these pesky creditors still want their day in court.
Its pretty much a full time job trying to extract any damning evidence from an original creditor's corporate structures. Everything comes back as 'privilaged information' and trying to compel anything with a judge as a pro-se is laughed at. So I quickly learnt that regardless of how much time i put in to learn the law, and follow 'their rules', i would always be treated with contempt and not part of the boys club. So much for justice and equal treatment for all.
I also learnt that the VERY FIRST THING I should have done was DEMAND A JURY TRIAL.
Oh boy, do they hate that move! Its an 'involitale' right in the state and original constitution (#7 in bill of rights), yet the system is set up that once you are sued you are automatically assigned a non-jury trial (ie with a judge not your peers) and you have some 2 weeks to try to demand a jury trial (with some traps as to WHERE you are to put that notice in your first paper.)
BUT of course, the big bad banks, have already figured out how to neuter that right by their contracts of adhesion whereby they make you give up your rights to trial by jury just cause you open up your statement.... cause they wrote it in the terms and conditions... (this is an unconscionable practice, but hey its all okay in contract case law in california cause corporate usa owns us all)
So that was another no win rabbit hole.
Alas, I have learnt that despite my best efforts to try to learn the law, do discovery, write in their legalese, find appropriate case law, etc,etc, ITS ALL A COLLOSAL WASTE OF TIME BECAUSE WE ARE DEALING WITH A CORRUPTED SYSTEM THAT NO LONGER RESPECTS THE CONSTITUTION. Thats just a sad fact of life i have had to accept.
So the only winning move now is to not play the game (War games 1985). And that means, BK myself out of this mess before trial. Im quite sure I will meet with more corruption from the trustees and court house, but I did try my best to play by their rules.
So time to see if they will at least respect this constitutional notion as outlined by the Supreme Court in Local Loan Co. v. Hunt, 292 U.S 234, 244 (1934):
Let us hope there is still SOME justice to be found in the courts.
Cheers and happy new 2022!
Well during that time, i have been battling a civil suit. Got educated on how to do discovery, writing briefs, etc. Read up a ton at the local law libraries, and honestly feel i received a legal education just by sparing in the arena.
In the backdrop I was on the verge of eviction every month and depended on the promises of the california gov to pay everyone's back rent 100% ... which they did!! So I remained housed throughout thank God (seriously, thanks GOD), but these pesky creditors still want their day in court.
Its pretty much a full time job trying to extract any damning evidence from an original creditor's corporate structures. Everything comes back as 'privilaged information' and trying to compel anything with a judge as a pro-se is laughed at. So I quickly learnt that regardless of how much time i put in to learn the law, and follow 'their rules', i would always be treated with contempt and not part of the boys club. So much for justice and equal treatment for all.
I also learnt that the VERY FIRST THING I should have done was DEMAND A JURY TRIAL.
In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
BUT of course, the big bad banks, have already figured out how to neuter that right by their contracts of adhesion whereby they make you give up your rights to trial by jury just cause you open up your statement.... cause they wrote it in the terms and conditions... (this is an unconscionable practice, but hey its all okay in contract case law in california cause corporate usa owns us all)
So that was another no win rabbit hole.
Alas, I have learnt that despite my best efforts to try to learn the law, do discovery, write in their legalese, find appropriate case law, etc,etc, ITS ALL A COLLOSAL WASTE OF TIME BECAUSE WE ARE DEALING WITH A CORRUPTED SYSTEM THAT NO LONGER RESPECTS THE CONSTITUTION. Thats just a sad fact of life i have had to accept.
So the only winning move now is to not play the game (War games 1985). And that means, BK myself out of this mess before trial. Im quite sure I will meet with more corruption from the trustees and court house, but I did try my best to play by their rules.
So time to see if they will at least respect this constitutional notion as outlined by the Supreme Court in Local Loan Co. v. Hunt, 292 U.S 234, 244 (1934):
Bankruptcy gives to the honest but unfortunate debtor…a new opportunity in life and a clear field for future effort, unhampered by the pressure and discouragement of preexisting debt.
Cheers and happy new 2022!