We are about ready to enter foreclosure and believe with a lawyers advice that this is the best thing to do. We are a non recourse state on the primary but they will come after us on the secondary. We'll file Chapter 13 if and when they come back if we are unable to settle.
My question is really around renting or possibly finding an investment buyer after foreclosure. Ideally, we would like to find a $200K - 250K home that an investor would purchase and we would do a rent to own or simply loan to us with a high interest rate. That is about the running rate in the area for a 3 bedroom 2 bath home.
We are looking at paying ~$2200-2500 in rent.
Where do I go for something like this?
My question is really around renting or possibly finding an investment buyer after foreclosure. Ideally, we would like to find a $200K - 250K home that an investor would purchase and we would do a rent to own or simply loan to us with a high interest rate. That is about the running rate in the area for a 3 bedroom 2 bath home.
We are looking at paying ~$2200-2500 in rent.
Where do I go for something like this?