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Question about notice on door

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    Question about notice on door

    Our Sheriff's sale has been postponed 5 times so far. Just this last week, I was expecting another postponement, but we now have a notice on the door from a realtor telling me to call before noon tomorrow otherwise the bank will evict us. We have moved on, but still have stuff in the house, so it's just a matter of finishing up in there. Is this standard get a piece of paper taped to the door from the realtor? Or could it be a scam?

    I believe it is standard practice. I am filing for bankruptcy myself, but I also work for a realtor/broker who markets and manages foreclosed homes given to us by the banks to sell for them. the first thing we do is to have to post notices on the properties to determine occupany. Hope this helps.


      Your situation is similar to what happened to me a few years ago, before foreclosures were so commonplace. I was coming home to my near-empty house and a gal was there with a notice that we had 30 more days - this was after the sheriff's sale. She was also the person who offered me Cash for Keys, which was nice, as we were almost out anyway and I left the house immaculate. So at least I felt like us not trashing our dream home paid off a bit.
      Filed Ch 7 Pro Se 11-18-2010 341 Meeting 12-16-2010 Discharged 2-15-2011
      New Job 7-2011


        OK, this makes me feel better, that it's standard practice. Should I contact them or not worry about it? We do need as much time as possible to finish up in there. The notice says something about cash for keys, but I don't think we are going to be able to leave it clean enough for that, the carpet needs to be replaced really badly and unfortunately I don't think it would be acceptable.


          Contact them about cash for keys anyway. You never know what they might offer you.
          Filed pro se, made it through the 341, discharged, Closed!!!


            Originally posted by staytogether View Post
            The notice says something about cash for keys, but I don't think we are going to be able to leave it clean enough for that, the carpet needs to be replaced really badly and unfortunately I don't think it would be acceptable.
            Don't assume that. They don't expect perfection even with a 'cash for keys' arrangement. You should still ask them what conditions/terms are they talking about?....y'a never know :-)


              Yeah they could just mean, like don't saw the copper pipes out and sell them, punch holes in the wall, take the faucets etc. Good luck!
              Filed Chapter 7 October 5, 2010 -341 held Nov. 8, 2010- Report of No Distribution Nov. 12th, 2010- Discharged 1-10-2011 Closed 1-28-2011


                I know this varies per state but does anyone know how long you have to move out once the sheriff gives you notice?


                  most of the banks that give us the houses to manage first require us to determine occupancy. then we offer the cash for keys and tell the occupants their rights... number of days etc... and in the place where i work, the requirements for cash for keys are really simple. you do not have to do any work to the house at all as far as repairs. you just have to leave the house in broom swept condition is what they call it. which means all personal belongings must be gone. and thats it. and generally occupants have about 90 days from the date of sale to leave. you don't have to spend money to fix anything at all. just leave it clean.


                    Daxtell, is 90 days after sale standard in Virginia? I've been trying to find out how long we may have after the house has been sold. Thanks!


                      If it would help, you could clean the carpet and make sure you don't leave any personal property or garbage behind. I've heard people getting like $4000 in cash for keys, so with little effort, you may be able to get some extra cash.
                      Filed Ch 7: 11/2010 and 03/2011 and closed


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