Anyone here have any experience with Citibank modifying your 2nd mortgage. A little backround... I have a Citi 2nd that is almost totally underwater. Would be a close call if I can strip it in a 13. I was on a temoporary reduction in payments for the last 6 months. My payment went back up $300/month starting in March. I called Citi yesterday to let them know thst I would miss that payment because I couldn't afford it. She ran some numbers got my monthly expenses and said I was eligible for an FDIC modification. My rate would drop to 2% for the rest of my loan (25+ years) and my payment would drop $400/mo. She made it sound pretty easy. Paperwork would get to me within 30 days and I would be getting a call from an underwriter to get all my documents.
Has anyone gone through this? I would love to hear some experiences. This sounds almost to good to be true.
Has anyone gone through this? I would love to hear some experiences. This sounds almost to good to be true.