I'm so glad it helped, Gopher! That really pissed me off, the way they did you. And lil Miss DeVille the office manager... pffft. Oooh that burns me. It's not you personally, Gopher; it's just people who take advantage of the obviously disadvantaged have a special place in hell, as far as I am concerned.
As for being overwhelmed, they are only TRULY overwhelmed when they don't have time to take your check to the bank.
A few weeks, sure, whatever. But four months?
I'm glad yours was at least helpful and polite, Demismom, which probably made it easier for you, but at some point it becomes unethical to accept work that one is well aware one can't complete in anything close to a timely fashion. At least it worked out for you and you didn't miss any deadlines. I read more than one disciplinary action that involved an attorney causing a client to miss deadlines and suffer loss, primarily through negligence though one was deliberate (atty withheld client files until client could no longer take action against a 3rd party with whom the atty was affiliated) and the court was *none* too happy with that.
As for being overwhelmed, they are only TRULY overwhelmed when they don't have time to take your check to the bank.

I'm glad yours was at least helpful and polite, Demismom, which probably made it easier for you, but at some point it becomes unethical to accept work that one is well aware one can't complete in anything close to a timely fashion. At least it worked out for you and you didn't miss any deadlines. I read more than one disciplinary action that involved an attorney causing a client to miss deadlines and suffer loss, primarily through negligence though one was deliberate (atty withheld client files until client could no longer take action against a 3rd party with whom the atty was affiliated) and the court was *none* too happy with that.