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Question with a small amount owed to Citi and medical debt settlement

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    Question with a small amount owed to Citi and medical debt settlement

    Ok so I did settle three credit cards accounts a couple of years ago with no problems so far. But I did have one for 495.00 from citi that I did completely forget about. Honest. Well I went down to my mothers house yesterday and they sent me a letter from the collection agency asking for it. Well I guess I will have to settle this one as well. But it being such a small amount, will they really go after me on it and if so, what % should I go for with settling it. I just was'nt real sure if the small amount of it will make a difference or not.

    And also, I do have some medcial bill debt, around 2 grand to different doctors, a hospital and such that is 3 years old and I am wanting to know if I can settle with the collections agencies on that as well and what % would be good for medical debt. I live in the state of GA and I think the SOL is 6-7 years. Not real sure. But I am thinking they will come after me for that if I don't try to do something soon. Thanks so much.

    Hey Shelly, long time no see. Did you work out the settlements yourself?
    Did you get 1099's for your settlements?
    Yes an ankle biter might very come after you for small amounts. Since you've had luck settling and cash doesn't seem to be a problem for you, why not try settling with a lowball offer? Remember you can always go higher but not lower And if you can, finish with everyone and just be done with it, and move on with your life....
    Did you wind up taking an equity loan?

    Keep On Smilin'


      Ah, wow you remember me. Yes I did work them out myself. I did get my 1099's.(I think that might a good thing, knowing that the settlements were legit and they would'nt be able to go after me for the rest in so many years, right) I guess I will just start with a low ball offer on the small Citi one, like around $100. But I am wondering about the medical bills. I have had them for like 3 years and I knew about them, but I am just now going to be able to "get" to them. I just did'nt know if I could try to settle with them as I did the CC companies? I got one for like 1500 and one for 700 and then a few smaller ones. I mean really, do people try to settle on a 150.00 one and/or 95.00. One thing that is oh so strange to me is that I have got one for like 41.40 and I have that exact same number from two different collection agencies. I am certain it is probably the same bill or could it just be a, coninceadence, (ya I can't spell it) LOL. I don't really care if my credit ever gets back to what it once was, so I don't mind doing this.

      But it leads me to another question. I will admit that I have a home that is paid for in full. Yes, I'm blessed. I would say it is worth about 165,000. I do believe that in my lifetime, in the future, maybe near future there will come a time that me and my husband will not be able to afford health insurance as we can now. Basically beacause of what is happening in this country with health care and such. When that time comes and we have a major emergency and run up a say 500,000 hospital bill that we cannot pay will the doctors, hospital and such be able to come and take our home and land? Sorry for all the questions, just thought I would ask.


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