Ok, I have three credit card accounts that I am going to try to settle on. First is with Citi. Total owed is like 14,300 I think. I have'nt paid them in 9 months. It has been charged off. It is with an attorney's office in Florida. So I called them yesterday and they got my info and transferred me to a collection agency, I think. Got a lady, who I guess was hispanic and she "settled" with me for 7,300, a lump sum payment I can make here soon. It was really easy. Kinda scary it was so easy.
I told her I would'nt be sending a dime until I got something in writing. I think they are going to fax me something next week. So thats like close to 50% settlement. Is that pretty good? What all should I demand on the papers that will make it official? Can citibank try to come at me for the rest of the money or not? Please give me all info you can to help me make this quick and easy as possible and what to do so I don't get ripped off. Thank you so much. God bless.
