Hi all,
We are looking at a Dec2011 Chapter 7. We are going to stop all payments to all creditors in June. We also are moving into a new rental home June 1st. I don't mind mail (heck they can mail me everyday for all I care. My son likes to use the shredder!), but the thought of 6 months of phone calls already is giving me a headache.
Should I give my credit card companies(we have about 7..the usual suspects) and our current mortgage company who we are behind payments with our new address? Does it even matter? If they cant find us (or even if they do through some detective work), by the time they do and try to collect and then sue and actually process a judgement, there's no way they can do that in 6 months by the time we file Ch7?
I am with Verizon Wireless. I was thinking come June just change my number and not giving it to the creditors. Thoughts?
We are looking at a Dec2011 Chapter 7. We are going to stop all payments to all creditors in June. We also are moving into a new rental home June 1st. I don't mind mail (heck they can mail me everyday for all I care. My son likes to use the shredder!), but the thought of 6 months of phone calls already is giving me a headache.
Should I give my credit card companies(we have about 7..the usual suspects) and our current mortgage company who we are behind payments with our new address? Does it even matter? If they cant find us (or even if they do through some detective work), by the time they do and try to collect and then sue and actually process a judgement, there's no way they can do that in 6 months by the time we file Ch7?
I am with Verizon Wireless. I was thinking come June just change my number and not giving it to the creditors. Thoughts?