I'm 16 months into default on all my credit cards. After 2 lawsuits, one dismissed and one about to 'go away' at least for awhile, I am starting to get the low settlement offers that people are promised on some websites.
Discover acct is now with a CA and recently sent me an offer:
$7,500 on $18,900. So, if I had it would I do it? ....no.
But, it shows how even a creditor known as a 'hardball player' will soften up over time.
Just for your Information.

Discover acct is now with a CA and recently sent me an offer:
$7,500 on $18,900. So, if I had it would I do it? ....no.
But, it shows how even a creditor known as a 'hardball player' will soften up over time.
Just for your Information.