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Called Citibanks attorney- stupid mistake?

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    Called Citibanks attorney- stupid mistake?

    In panic mode I called the attorney that is taking me to court for citibank. I left a voicemail saying "can you just do the judgement , I can't miss work, I have mo assets but a house in joint". I know really stupid. But was thinking maybe they will think I won't show up and let down their guard. Again, thank you!!

    Ok, seriously? You let them know 1) you have a now they know there are wages that can be garnished; and 2) they now know you have an asset - your home?

    Not being mean here but you have been around this forum for a while. The creditors and their attorneys are not your friends. They don't care if you are scared, or panic-stricken, or even on your deathbed. They are NOT going to help you. They just want the money.
    Filed Ch 7 Pro Se 11-18-2010 341 Meeting 12-16-2010 Discharged 2-15-2011
    New Job 7-2011


      You just confessed that you have a job. NC is one of 4 states that does not allow wage garnishment but bank accounts are fair game for seizure. You also confessed that you have a home...a joint asset is still an asset.

      Hate to say it, but you may have messed up big time by calling them. Citi is ruthless, and won't let down their guard at all, especially now that they have proof of the above.
      First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


        Merime - Your recent post about having a lawyer; hope that was correct. Now - get going, pay the lawyer and let HIM/HER deal with ALL phone calls. That is why we pay them. Also, tell your lawyer and get this thing going for yourself. Enough is enough.


          I did consult the lawyer. He said he can not do anything until I pay full amount. My hours were reduced from snow days. I hit panic big time. I can't focus anymore. Fear is just running and my heart is beating out of its chest. I know in my head that its just a business to lawyers, but it intimidates me to the extent that I am paralyzed. Thanks for helping me cope with these days, until its settled. I apologize for my fear taking over rational thought.


            You made a mistake. Take a deep breath, get refocused, and do not pick up the phone and ask mercy from an attorney for an unsecured debt. How much more until you have your attorney's fee?
            Chapter 7 filed 10/8/10...341 Meeting 12/6/10....Discharged 2/16/2011....Case Closed! 3/1/2011


              Whenever a creditor/collector calls after you verify your identity with them recite this mantra... "I'm sorry but I do not feel comfortable discussing financial matters over the telephone. Please have a nice day." Follows this with a slight click as you hang up the telephone. No matter what the collector says, your mantra does NOT change.


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