Hi Everyone maybe you can help me I need some answers to a problem,where to start????
Okay my DW had an illness about a year and a half ago and we were served a summons today to appear on June 26,2009.
I went online to check the summons and the small claims suit only names me and not my DW,she was the patient not myself so wouldn't she be the responsible party?
I lost my job on April 20,2009 and am just now starting to receive my unemployment checks.
We have retained an attorney last month and he said we needed to wait until about July 1,2009 to file because of some money I received back on December 22,2008 from my mothers estate it put the DW and myself a bit over the median for our state(Wisconsin).
Can I be Garnished for a medical bill while on unemployment?
Since my DW is not named on the suit is this suit even valid?
Am I still responsible even though I'm not the person who received treatment?
I am still waiting to hear from our attorney I just called this morning.
Is this going to be anything to get excited about being that we will be filing the first or second week of July?
I hope some or all of you can give me some input advice to calm my nerves,I'm sure time is on my side I just need to be sure,a little positive reinforcement will go a loooooong way.
Thanks everyone
Okay my DW had an illness about a year and a half ago and we were served a summons today to appear on June 26,2009.

I went online to check the summons and the small claims suit only names me and not my DW,she was the patient not myself so wouldn't she be the responsible party?
I lost my job on April 20,2009 and am just now starting to receive my unemployment checks.

We have retained an attorney last month and he said we needed to wait until about July 1,2009 to file because of some money I received back on December 22,2008 from my mothers estate it put the DW and myself a bit over the median for our state(Wisconsin).
Can I be Garnished for a medical bill while on unemployment?

Since my DW is not named on the suit is this suit even valid?

Am I still responsible even though I'm not the person who received treatment?

I am still waiting to hear from our attorney I just called this morning.
Is this going to be anything to get excited about being that we will be filing the first or second week of July?
I hope some or all of you can give me some input advice to calm my nerves,I'm sure time is on my side I just need to be sure,a little positive reinforcement will go a loooooong way.
Thanks everyone