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trustees report

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    trustees report

    I had my 341 meeting earlier this week, checked pacer today and it shows Awaiting Discharge. Ch 7 trustees report of no distribution. Assuming this is good and trustee is satisfied with what was files and only need to worry about creditors objecting. Most of my debt is old, except two store cards that never had more than $200 on it and haven't used those in eight months. Nothing to reaffirm and no house with a mortgage so can't think of any problems...but will wait to celebrate when 60 days are up.

    Keanna: this is very good news. The hardest part is waiting out the 60 days. Keep in mind that Discharge will not happen before 61 at the earliest. Some districts are automated, and it will happen on Day 61. Others are not, and some have backlogs, so don't worry.

    Your Hamster Troupe is in rehearsal.....
    "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

    "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


      thanks AngelinaCat


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