I have a home that is underwater approx. $100k. It may become necessary to do a short sale or walk away. At present, my credit FICO is 815, and I'm current on all payments. My income situation will be changing dramatically in approximately 4-5 months. I had actually planned to retire and sell the house in early 2010, point being that this is not an instant decision; I've been weathering this for many months now, but I'm at the end of the line. I intend to enter into a short sale agreement with my mortgage company. I can only make payments for 3 more months. If a shortsale can not be completed (which I expect to be the case) I will have no other option than to file a bankruptcy to extinguish future liability for a deficiency.
It is my understanding that when most people file a bankruptcy, all of their credit accounts are 90 days or more past due. If all of my payments and bills are current at the time of a bankruptcy filing, can anyone tell me what effect the bankruptcy would have on FICO score? In other words, my only reason for needing to file the bankruptcy is to get out from this underwater house.
Would appreciate any responses to this question
It is my understanding that when most people file a bankruptcy, all of their credit accounts are 90 days or more past due. If all of my payments and bills are current at the time of a bankruptcy filing, can anyone tell me what effect the bankruptcy would have on FICO score? In other words, my only reason for needing to file the bankruptcy is to get out from this underwater house.
Would appreciate any responses to this question