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Do I Include Child's Income In Means Test Calculation

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    Do I Include Child's Income In Means Test Calculation

    Form 22A Part II line 8 asks for "Any amounts paid by another person or entity, on a regular basis, for the household expenses of the debtor or the debtor’s dependents." Are we required to list our 15 year old child's modest income on this line?


    Please provide more info. Is this young adult's income an allowance? Part-time job? Is it contributing to he household? Is this a savings account for college? Please explain. I know you know what all this is, but we can't mind-read.

    If the young adult is contributing to the household in any way, such as a 'rent' or helping toward food or utilities, then I think it has to be included. If the money is his/hers alone and is not co-mingled with any of the household monies, then it should not be included.

    However, if he/she is still living at home, you have to calculate and figure out what portion of the total household expenses he/she uses and put that in your Expense column.
    "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

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      Thanks for the reply. Its around $1800 wages he's earned working for my brother's tree stump-grinding service. He's 15 years old and he keeps the entire sum for personal spending. Of course any money he earns on his own is money that doesn't have to come out of my pocket so in spirit its probably household income. I'm worried however cuz we are right up against the means test threshold for Chapter 7.


        Is your son's money set up in a savings account or something for him that has you listed on it anywhere? if so, then I believe you must claim it as an asset, however you should be able to exempt it.


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