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After Bankruptcy - divert some or all of future 401K contributions to savings?

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    After Bankruptcy - divert some or all of future 401K contributions to savings?

    OK financial gurus out there.... As far as after-bankruptcy life is concerned, I was wondering how to best plan to live comfortably on unemployment for 6 months should the situation arise. I work for an employer that's been known to lay people off for periods of time, and they only do it about once per decade. If I were financially unprepared, it goes without saying that I'd automatically lose some or every secured debt, even if there were a second magical chapter 7.

    Right now, my wife and I end up with about $4500 disposable income each month. Our bills after Chapter 7 (keeping the house and both cars) will be around $2700. My wife only brings in only about $600 of this income, and unemployment in my state last I checked was $550 / week before taxes. If I were to become unemployed, this of course would put us dead-even on bills, hence we'd have to rely on an emergency fund to get us through our every-day expenses.

    Currently I have about $250 per month go into my 401K (taxes deferred). I was thinking that if I were to temporarily divert all of that future contribution into an interest-bearing savings account, it would build up nicely for our purposes over what, 2 years? I realize taxes would only allow acess to 67% of this money to start, but it's still money! Also, doing this would not interfere with the remaining $1900 per month we'd have for rebuilding credit and getting caught up on health/maintenance/repair stuff.

    Does this all seem like a good idea or is there something better I should consider?

    i don't know about you, but the very best "interest" bearing account i could locate was at TOPS 3%. it takes a life time unless you have about 3 million in your account to build up nicely for your future.

    start taking a look at tax free muni bonds, (makes certain tho they are backed) i'm not talking mutual funds here, personally they are not for me.
    like your local airport, many of them issue local bonds and usually pay well, or you water and sewer company, everyone has to flush their toilets right? there is money for you in every flush LOL!! we only go for the tax free bonds.

    we took the plunge a few months ago and have thus earned just over 6% tax free on our growing little account, but that added up very quickly. it is not totally risk free, but what is nowadays...shoot here in florida banks were closing all over the place. however, i feel personally, a water and sewer country or city run facility is less likely to close down within the next ten years or so.

    just a thought.
    Last edited by tobee43; 01-29-2012, 07:08 AM.
    8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


      I think I'd continue 401K contributions up to the employer match.
      Not sure what you mean by a portion of the remaining $1900 going to rebulding credit.
      Hopefully, your wife will find a job soon and make saving easier.


        i would agree providing the employer is still making contributions, our employers prior to our lay offs stopped their contributions completely. a cost saving measure the company took, it was really nice...then came the gas card, then the car allowance!
        8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


          I meant use the "new" $1900 per month for a) monthly expenses b) catch up on health and repairs c) rebuild credit.

          My employer does not match any contributions. It is solely based on what I contribute plus market conditions. It would be nice if my wife could make more money but she has federally recognized disabilities that have hindered regular employment. Hence for the last 4 years she has had an eBay business that has made up to $1500 a month for a while but sales fell off in 2011 because people aren't spending like they were - which is part of our reason for filing chapter 7. In my state she gets no SSI because the Max joint income allowed is only 24K which is a joke!

          I'm just curious about where the best short-term place is to put money for an emergency fund for direct access to tax free cash when you need it.


            Best place for an emergency fund is a savings account. UFB Direct has a savings account at 1.3%.


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