Hi Forum Friends
Trying to get everything together...my attny thinks I may actually qualify for a Chap 7!! Yay me!! When going over exemptions, he asked about child
care expenses...I told him I didn't have any because my mother watches my child and doesn't charge me...She gets him on the bus, and watches him when he gets off the bus for 1-4 hours every school day...she does feed him breakfast, which I do help pay for occasionally by giving her money for breakfast items he likes...he said I may be able to claim that as child care??? Any thoughts on this, and can I do this?? Thanks

Trying to get everything together...my attny thinks I may actually qualify for a Chap 7!! Yay me!! When going over exemptions, he asked about child
care expenses...I told him I didn't have any because my mother watches my child and doesn't charge me...She gets him on the bus, and watches him when he gets off the bus for 1-4 hours every school day...she does feed him breakfast, which I do help pay for occasionally by giving her money for breakfast items he likes...he said I may be able to claim that as child care??? Any thoughts on this, and can I do this?? Thanks
