We filed Chapter 7 in Apil and we were over the medium income. Our 1st 341 was on May 9th it was a total disaster trustee was horrible and grilled us for 15mins he wanted to know what and why we spent every dime. He was very rude and judgmental at times. I did all the talking for my huband and I and at times got confused because of nerves he wanted dates and exact amounts and I just froze and I didn't think to write anything down because all the paperwork was there so after 15mins the trustee continued our case and kept saying you need to be in a 13 and he was forwarding our case to the US Trustee. I left that meeting feeling beat and having no emotion. About 3 weeks later after our initial 341 our attorney received a new date and my attorney had to adjourn it for personal reasons so I asked him to adjourn it for the week of July 18th because my husband was on vacation and he would not lose a days pay of course that didn't happen the new date was July 25 which was fine my husband only had to leave an hour early so it worked out. We showed up at the meeting an hour before our time I had all my notes with dates amounts and everything we spent most of the money on so I felt well prepared. We sat in the room for 3hrs because they were running behind big time. So it came to our time and our name was not on the docket but we received notification that it was and a letter from the trustee to appear. My attorney spoke to the trustee and he said "He was sorry he doesn't know why he received that notification and he had nothing further for us and that our case was turned over to the US trustee. On July 29th my attorney called me and said he received an email that we were awaiting discharge. I couldn't believe my ears I was so happy to have my 2nd chance but as always I never count my chickens before they hatch. He did tell me the US Trustee has 1 year to object to the discharge so that made me nervous but he said he sees no evidence of the US Trustee objecting because he never contacted my attorney about the case not once. So on August 3rd I received my discharge in the mail which made it more real for us. I am so thankful for this second chance and have seen the error of our ways this has been a big eye opening experience. This forum has been such a wealth of knowledge and support, it helped to get advice and read other stories. I was lost at one time and this forum helped me through so I am so thankful. My fingers toes and legs are all crossed in the hope that no objection will be made and our case will close.