After going back and forth, I realized with no help, I will not be able to save for the attorney so I am going to handle myself
The good news:
I have the NOLO book and seems very helpful so far
I fall well beyond the 1 person threshold. (3,741 for PA. My average last 6 months income is calculated so far at 2396.10/mo)
My consultation with the previous lawyer indicated that this would be a no asset case.
I have no weird things that would be attached to my case(liens, insurance,bonds,etc)
I DO NOT own a home.
using google/ebay/amazon and using the price it would cost for me to replace every item I own (including my 96 accord) is 4950, so I am fairly certain everything would either be exempt or wouldn't be worth it for the trustee to sell.
Now, I have a few questions.
1) I live with roommates (a married couple) and they rent me out a room to get on my feet. They would not be included in the "household", correct?
2)When calculating the last 6 months of income, would I include my tax refund I received this year (550) and also would I calculate the last weeks pay of 2010 since I was paid on Jan 3, 2011 or would that not be considered part of the last 6 months. (takes me down to ~2184 in average income if i don't, but not sure it doesn't matter)
2)I am starting a list of my creditors. I am using my credit report and my knowledge of some open issues that hasn't shown. I have moved and never "forwarded" my address since I am not on a lease and didn't want the harassment. What is the best way to obtain a current list of their service address in order to serve them correctly.
3)I have private student loans from Chase that my father co-signed for. On my credit report, it says "submitted to Fed" and 0 as my balance. I know that student loans can not be discharged, but how do I find out what that means?
4)As far as loans go, I plan on paying of my Pell Loan (~3700) that went into default in order to get back into school and finish so I can increase my earning potential. I am also looking towards the future and want to pay back the private loans, how would I obtain that information in order to start that process?
Thanks for your input and help. I really appreciate it. Moving to a new city to get away from issues that put me here and the prospect of getting a somewhat of a fresh start, I've been so relieved and less stressed.
The good news:
I have the NOLO book and seems very helpful so far
I fall well beyond the 1 person threshold. (3,741 for PA. My average last 6 months income is calculated so far at 2396.10/mo)
My consultation with the previous lawyer indicated that this would be a no asset case.
I have no weird things that would be attached to my case(liens, insurance,bonds,etc)
I DO NOT own a home.
using google/ebay/amazon and using the price it would cost for me to replace every item I own (including my 96 accord) is 4950, so I am fairly certain everything would either be exempt or wouldn't be worth it for the trustee to sell.
Now, I have a few questions.
1) I live with roommates (a married couple) and they rent me out a room to get on my feet. They would not be included in the "household", correct?
2)When calculating the last 6 months of income, would I include my tax refund I received this year (550) and also would I calculate the last weeks pay of 2010 since I was paid on Jan 3, 2011 or would that not be considered part of the last 6 months. (takes me down to ~2184 in average income if i don't, but not sure it doesn't matter)
2)I am starting a list of my creditors. I am using my credit report and my knowledge of some open issues that hasn't shown. I have moved and never "forwarded" my address since I am not on a lease and didn't want the harassment. What is the best way to obtain a current list of their service address in order to serve them correctly.
3)I have private student loans from Chase that my father co-signed for. On my credit report, it says "submitted to Fed" and 0 as my balance. I know that student loans can not be discharged, but how do I find out what that means?
4)As far as loans go, I plan on paying of my Pell Loan (~3700) that went into default in order to get back into school and finish so I can increase my earning potential. I am also looking towards the future and want to pay back the private loans, how would I obtain that information in order to start that process?
Thanks for your input and help. I really appreciate it. Moving to a new city to get away from issues that put me here and the prospect of getting a somewhat of a fresh start, I've been so relieved and less stressed.